06-28-2021, 07:44 AM
Had It been required that I sit in front of a panel of so-called experts so they could judge me and decide then what should be done with me in order for me to get sober, I would have died. The greatest thing about recovery isn't all the great things that go into making it what it is, but the fact that it is personal to me. I was moved by this from the very beginning and it's what makes recovery so great. It's people helping where no one else can, caring and loving because they've been there. Everyone was so nice to me when I came into the program and I thought what fools if you knew the real me you wouldn't be so nice. Much to my surprise they asked that I tell them, so I did. After I told them of all the things I had done that I was not so proud of while I was drinking they were still nice to me, maybe even more so. There was, no judging, no deciding what to do with me. They just accepted me as I was, and said they were glad I was here, and that they'd love me until I was able to love myself again, that's not what I had expected.