06-25-2021, 09:14 AM
Recovery begins with us being able to get honest with ourselves which is impossible for us to do on our own. It was only when I had found someone else who was willing to show me how they had got honest with themselves was I able to feel safe enough to begin to try to be honest with myself. This was new territory for me. I had become very accustomed to not being honest with myself out of the fear that if I ever was honest with myself I wouldn't be able to face it. This fear is what keeps most of us from being able to begin recovery. Then add having to trust, or having a faith of some kind, and our situation becomes quite impossible. The good news is we all still have the capacity to be honesty, that's why we know that we're not being honest with ourselves, so all we really need is that key person, someone that we can trust, or have faith that they're not out to harm us. If you haven't found that person, keep looking. We all seem to get one and finding them will be key to us being able to begin our recovery and to begin to get honest with ourselves. And if you have found them, stay close to them for as long as you honestly can for you will miss them when they're gone.