View Full Version : Time to Act

01-15-2014, 11:07 AM
God's Word For Today

Time to Act

Read Genesis 42:1 through 44:34

The three men stared at the computer screen. For hours they had tried to find the software error that had given incorrect financial information to their boss. If the problem wasn’t corrected soon, the company would lose millions of dollars. Nancy entered the room and heard their desperate situation.

“Why are you wasting time?” Nancy asked. “The man who designed the software is just down the hall. He would know what to do.”

When Jacob learned that there was grain in Egypt, he said to his sons, “Why do you just keep looking at each other?” (Genesis 42:1).

In the middle of a famine, Jacob could not understand why his sons were not already headed to Egypt to get grain. Instead they were simply standing around when the solution to their problem was already available.

God has the solution to any problem we may face. We need to stop looking to each other for answers and go to the One who knows everything. He is always waiting to help His children.

Thought for Today: Our Father will meet all of our needs.

Quicklook: Genesis 42:1–5

01-15-2014, 01:12 PM
God reliance vs People reliance!