View Full Version : Big Ego

06-03-2021, 08:38 AM
We all have ego, it's part of being human. What I didn't know was how big mine had gotten before getting sober. While drinking my life was progressively getting worse. That was the reason for this. I kept having to lower my standards to meet the moral decline brought on by my drinking. I was constantly having to cover this up. I did this by building myself up. The whole program of recovery is based on ego reduction. The good news is by becoming sober our morals start to improve which gives us less of the need to keep building ourselves up. This begins to reduce that big ego we all come to the program with. By doing the 12 steps we will be able to get rid of most of our ego. I'm not sure which feels better being sober or not having to carry around that big ego I had when I started to get sober.