View Full Version : Forgive

05-31-2021, 06:33 AM

Forgiveness opens a place in my heart for peace and love.

Forgiveness is a powerful expression of love. When I forgive someone, I begin with a simple desire to overcome resentment.

I choose to let go of ill will or bitterness toward another person. Forgiveness does not condone or overlook the behavior that initiated the upset to begin with. It does, however, unshackle me from negative feelings. It also keeps me from living my life in blame.

I am the one who is set free. I no longer need to justify my rationale for holding another liable for my pain.

I feel God’s blessing as I replace seemingly justified resentment with forgiveness. I have opened a place in my heart for the full expression of peace and love.
Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.—Luke 23:34

Daily Word