View Full Version : The Lord is our great Deliverer and Rescuer

05-30-2021, 07:18 AM
Verse: Exodus 3:8 'I (The Lord) have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out into their own fertile and spacious land.'

- The Lord is our great Deliverer and Rescuer.
- The Lord can come down to us when we are at our lowest and lift us up.
- The Lord can come down to us when we are at our saddest and give us joy.
- The Lord can come down to us in our despair and give us hope.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You want to come down to me and meet me at the point of my need. You are my great Deliverer and You will rescue me and bring me into my 'land of promise'. Amen.

Kind Regards
Pastor Andrew Roebert