05-26-2021, 09:21 AM
Our problems are of our own making. When I first heard this at an AA meeting I was sure this didn't apply to me and my problems. I was so focused on all the problems that were on the outside of me. I could see them all and was quick to blame others for them. It was never my fault. That was my battle cry that even I was getting sick of. I couldn't see and didn't know of the inside problems that were causing all these outside problems. I expected and wanted AA to solve all these outside problems. When I found out that it didn't I wanted no part of it. Recovery focuses on our inside problems that are the same for all of us. Once we start to do the suggestions we begin to recover and, over time all the outside problems go away. AA was never going to show me how to get my drivers license back, but it would show me how to live so that I would never have lost in the first place.