05-24-2021, 07:45 AM
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, – Gal 5:22 (NLT)
Have you ever tried to build character in your life, but failed? Maybe you tried really hard to stop being unkind, but the more you focused on trying to not do it, the worse it got, and the more unkind you were.
Trying to do the right thing and build character in your life can be challenging. Even though it’s not always easy to be a person of character, it’s the right thing to do. So how do we go from being unkind to kind? How do we get from being upset to being at peace? How do we let these fruit of the spirit rule our lives?
The answer is in focusing on the Holy Spirit. This verse says that the Holy Spirit produces fruit in our lives. So instead of focusing on how many times you mess up each day by not being patient or kind, focus instead on God. Realize that He has put His Holy Spirit in you and with His help you can work toward being kind. You don’t have to work on being kind on your own, rather you have a helper to partner together to do it.
Choose today to believe that you’ve got what it takes to be a person that is loving, full of joy, and living out the fruit of the spirit. Focus on God and realize that with His help, you can develop godly character!
Have you ever tried to build character in your life, but failed? Maybe you tried really hard to stop being unkind, but the more you focused on trying to not do it, the worse it got, and the more unkind you were.
Trying to do the right thing and build character in your life can be challenging. Even though it’s not always easy to be a person of character, it’s the right thing to do. So how do we go from being unkind to kind? How do we get from being upset to being at peace? How do we let these fruit of the spirit rule our lives?
The answer is in focusing on the Holy Spirit. This verse says that the Holy Spirit produces fruit in our lives. So instead of focusing on how many times you mess up each day by not being patient or kind, focus instead on God. Realize that He has put His Holy Spirit in you and with His help you can work toward being kind. You don’t have to work on being kind on your own, rather you have a helper to partner together to do it.
Choose today to believe that you’ve got what it takes to be a person that is loving, full of joy, and living out the fruit of the spirit. Focus on God and realize that with His help, you can develop godly character!