View Full Version : Same But Different

05-22-2021, 08:53 AM
When new how is it we all enter recovery with the same self centeredness ? Understanding this is the key for us to take the right action for it's removal. This will free us from the self made prisons we all have created for ourselves from this self centeredness. For different reasons all of us started believing we were somehow different, that we don't belong, that we don't quite fit in. Having these beliefs is the root of our self centeredness. The 12 steps of recovery helps in changing what we believe about ourselves. Recovery is based on the truth that although we may be different in some ways, we are all the same in many ways. Once we develop this new way of believing about ourselves we will begin to be freed from that self centeredness that plagues us all. We'll no longer feel like square pegs in round holes, the sense of belonging will be overwhelming and the feeling of oneness with the world will be genuine.