View Full Version : It Kills Us

05-21-2021, 09:24 AM
Above all we must be rid of our self centeredness or it kills us. This goes against any idea that we have when we're new that if we just stop our drinking we'll be okay. Another way this is heard is that the same person will drink again, and for us drinking, will in time eventually lead to our death. We don't usually see our alcoholic thinking, or when we do see anything wrong with the way we think, or as being something that is dangerous to our well being. This is because it has become so natural for us to think the way we do. The program of recovery is about changing the way we think, this selfish self centeredness we all have. Many of us think we can figure our way out of this, which rarely happens. About the only thing that we can do on our own is decide that we're going to stop drinking, and that we have to, so that we can then learn through doing the steps of the fatal nature of our thinking. Just as the promises of recovery that happen sometimes quickly sometimes slowly our alcoholic way of thinking will eventually end up killing us. Change we must, or die we will.