View Full Version : Open to change, I contribute to the best possible outcome

01-14-2014, 09:55 AM
Daily Word

Open to change, I contribute to the best possible outcome.
Nothing is static in life, for life is about change and transition. When I am facing change, I may have a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach--much like I felt on my first day of school, first time riding a bike, first experience of driving on my own.
I am ready for change as--one day at a time, one experience at a time--I focus on what is before me to learn and accomplish. I am confident, for I have unlimited provision from God to call upon regarding my career, relationships, and finances.
I know that what comes next is a blessing of greater knowledge and skills. Remaining open to change, I contribute to the best possible outcome. Knowing that the one constant in life is God, my guide and companion at all times, I can hardly wait for the next blessing.
"But be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating."--Isaiah 65:18

01-14-2014, 03:11 PM
Like this, action needs to follow thought, even if that action is allowing another thought to come in instead of shutting down and blocking what is being sent your way.

Change covers all things, changing thought as well as actions. As the saying goes, "Plan but don't plan the outcome, leave that to your God." When we let go and not block how God can work in our lives, great things happen.