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05-18-2021, 06:49 AM
God Is Greater Than Your Mistakes by Joyce Meyer

Many times, before your feet even hit the floor in the mornings, the enemy begins to remind you of everything you did wrong the previous day or everything that didn’t work out well. In doing so, the enemy’s goal is to use yesterday to keep you from living today.

You don’t have to be afraid of repeating the past. If you believe God is greater than your sins, mistakes, and shortcomings, you will have the spiritual energy and the strength and the grace of God to help you press on and do better in the future. The dreams of your future have no room for the disappointments of the past. They will keep you stuck and weighed down.

Every day can be a new beginning if we make a determined decision to press on to achieve the greater things God has for us today. God’s mercy is greater than yesterday’s mistakes.

Prayer Starter: Father, I lift up every mistake and disappointment, and I give them to You right now. Help me to leave them behind, start fresh, and focus on all the good things You have for me in the future. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.