05-07-2021, 08:25 AM
So much of this illness plays out on the outside of us, that it's easy to overlook the fact that this is an inside job. As we continued trying to fix the things that are outside of us, the problem festers within us. It is only when we accept that the problem we have is an inside job, are we able to begin to approach dealing with it. Regardless of all the different ways in which this illness plays out in each of us, it is the same for all of us on the inside. That's why the steps of recovery work for us all, because they tackle the problem that's within. Only after we have taken these steps are we able to see the problem as it is, and are able to begin to look past the results from having it. I like saying I caught alcoholism from going to AA, because it was there I was finally able to see the problem that's within me, as it is, for the first time in my life