05-06-2021, 08:22 AM
Why do we still have to go to those meetings ? This is asked by the many who don't understand how recovery works. Recovery is a daily thing, we are not cured, there is no such thing as a cure. All we have is a daily reprieve thankfully, that's all we need. The principles we get to live by from working the steps of recovery daily, give us the state of mind we need to maintain our sobriety. From going to meetings we see how important it is to us to do this. First, we get to see how others have benefited from doing this, and secondly we see what happens to those who don't. For all of us the most important thing to know is this, without meetings the nightmare will start up again. It's not a question of will it come back, but when will it return, it's only a matter of time. This has been proven over and over by the many who have stopped going to meetings. I've never heard of anyone showing up at a meeting to report that things got better after they stopped going to meetings