View Full Version : Patient Improvement

05-04-2021, 07:57 AM
We're right where we're supposed to be, that's so hard to hear when newly sober. We see what ten years of sobriety looks like, and we want that now. Too bad it doesn't work like that, it takes ten years to get ten years of sobriety. The good news is this, recovery is all about the journey not the destination. Wanting to rush it along only means we'd be missing out on the best part. Like being new doesn't really last that long next thing we know we're not so new. I remember telling my sponsor I was envious of his 13 years of sobriety and he said, he would gladly trade them for what little time I had. That didn't make sense to me. It didn't seem like that would have been a fair for him, but I now know why he would have been willing to do that. His journey has since ended, and today would have marked his 50 year of sobriety. Like he often said to me, " he has gone on to the Big Meeting in the sky" Thanks, Jim B. for all you did for me, and may God bless you and keep you until we meet again.