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04-18-2021, 07:33 AM
Spiritual SOS

Read 2 Samuel 21:1 through 22:51

“In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears” (2 Samuel 22:7).

Contrary to the opinion of some, the Lord is ever attentive to the heartfelt cries of His children. From His heavenly temple, He knows when we are in distress and hears us when we call to Him. He is always ready to help us, no matter what the crisis.

Throughout his life, King David was often in distress. On every occasion he cried out to God, and God was faithful to deliver him. Sometimes the deliverance was a quick and outright rescue; at other times God brought David through the problem to victory.

Are you in distress today? Perhaps your marriage is crumbling or a family member is on drugs. Maybe you’ve just lost your job or have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Whatever your situation God can help you. Simply cry out to Him with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. He will hear you and, from His throne in heaven, He will help you through the problem and deliver you from your distress.

Thought for Today: My cry of distress not only enters God’s ears; it also enters His heart.

Quicklook: 2 Samuel 22:1–12 God's Word For Today