04-06-2021, 06:33 AM
“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything. --1 Corinthians 6:12
I’ve noticed something every time we have moved to a new home. We wind up getting rid of things we didn’t need and were just cluttering up the house.
Some people are keepers and some are throwers—and they usually marry one another! The keepers hang on to things because of the comfort of the known and the emotional attachment to these items. The throwers toss stuff away because they know it isn’t needed and will slow them down.
I want to propose to you today that we all need to be spiritual throwers. When God wants us to move on to another place in our spiritual lives, we should throw out all of the clutter we have accumulated—old ideas, attitudes, and habits from the past that just weigh us down. Let’s get rid of anything that isn’t necessary to keep living and moving forward for Christ. To not be enslaved to anything.
When a tall building is built, there’s usually scaffolding that goes all the way to the top. But when the building is finished, the scaffolding isn’t needed. It would be silly and unnecessary to keep scaffolding up around a finished building; but that’s what a lot of believers are doing in their spiritual lives.
Don’t be attached to or dependent upon unnecessary things. When God wants you to move on, drop everything that holds you back and go forward in faith and obedience!
Be a spiritual “thrower,” ridding your life of anything that keeps you from moving forward with Christ.
Jack Graham
I’ve noticed something every time we have moved to a new home. We wind up getting rid of things we didn’t need and were just cluttering up the house.
Some people are keepers and some are throwers—and they usually marry one another! The keepers hang on to things because of the comfort of the known and the emotional attachment to these items. The throwers toss stuff away because they know it isn’t needed and will slow them down.
I want to propose to you today that we all need to be spiritual throwers. When God wants us to move on to another place in our spiritual lives, we should throw out all of the clutter we have accumulated—old ideas, attitudes, and habits from the past that just weigh us down. Let’s get rid of anything that isn’t necessary to keep living and moving forward for Christ. To not be enslaved to anything.
When a tall building is built, there’s usually scaffolding that goes all the way to the top. But when the building is finished, the scaffolding isn’t needed. It would be silly and unnecessary to keep scaffolding up around a finished building; but that’s what a lot of believers are doing in their spiritual lives.
Don’t be attached to or dependent upon unnecessary things. When God wants you to move on, drop everything that holds you back and go forward in faith and obedience!
Be a spiritual “thrower,” ridding your life of anything that keeps you from moving forward with Christ.
Jack Graham