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04-01-2021, 06:55 AM
An Attitude Of Gratitude

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Oh, give thanks to the God of gods! For His mercy endures forever. Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever."1

A legend tells the story of a fisherman called Aaron who lived on the banks of a river. Walking home with his eyes half-closed one evening after a hard day's work, he was dreaming of what he could do if he were rich. As he walked his foot struck a leather pouch filled with what seemed to him to be small stones. Absentmindedly he picked up the pouch and began throwing the pebbles into the water.

"When I am a rich man," he said to himself, "I'll have a large house". And he threw another pebble into the river. He threw another one and thought, "My wife and I will have servants and rich food, and many fine things." And this went on until just one stone was left. As Aaron held it in his hand, a ray of light caught it and made it sparkle. He was not throwing ordinary stones but valuable gems, throwing away the real riches in his hand, while he dreamed of unreal riches in the future."2

Don't wait until tomorrow because "what-ifs" rarely, if ever, come. Be thankful for the blessings you have today for today is the only day we ever have. Live in the present for yesterdays are gone forever and tomorrows are only a hope and always a day away!

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please open my eyes that I may see the countless blessings you have already provided for and given to me. Help me to feel the wonder of it all and give me a thankful heart for all you have done and are doing for me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

1. Psalm 136:1-3 (NKJV).
2. Brett Blair www.eSermons.com. Adapted from a sermon by Rev. Richard J. Fairchild: "The Man Without Wedding Clothes."