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03-29-2021, 07:30 AM
Kindness is Contagious by Katherine Kehler

“Be kind and compassionate to one another . . .” Ephesians 4:32

The waitress leaned over the table and asked me, “Is your husband always so kind?”
“Yes”, I answered, “he is a kind man.” The following is the incident she was referring too.

A woman in a van with 6 children drove into a Denny’s restaurant parking lot where we had just stopped for lunch– she motioned for Marvin to come to the van. Then she asked him if he could help her out. They hadn’t had anything to eat all day and the children were very hungry. They had been driving from Texas, heading towards Washington, their car had broken down and the last of their money was used to pay for the repairs.

“Of course,” he said, “come in and order the meals — I will pay for them.”

Because she had Multiple Sclerosis she asked if they could order the meals and eat them in the van. The older boys ordered the meals.

Now the manager noticed that Marvin was paying for the meals — so he supplied all the drinks—free. All the staff at the restaurant was excited because someone was being kind to a needy family. It energized them – kindness always does. Not only did my husband’s act of kindness bless the needy family, but also the staff in the restaurant.

“Be Kind and compassionate one to another”, the Bible tells us. Why not today? It doesn’t have to be a meal—it could be a smile, you open the door for someone, or offer to baby sit, weed someone’s garden—the Lord will open your eyes to where you can pass on an act of kindness. Someone will see it and in turn be kind to someone else.

Father, you are so kind to us. Enable us to be less self-centered and become more other-centered–to be kind one to another. Thank you. Amen.