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01-09-2014, 10:29 AM
Journeys and Destinations

Read Genesis 27:1 through 28:22

“How long till we get there?” For the immature passenger, only the destination matters. Forget the glory of a New England autumn gliding past the window; there are treats and activities waiting at Grandmother’s house!

Sometimes God’s children become so enamored with a destination that they offer their own brand of “How long till we get there?” prayers. Their focus may be a blessing of provision, a positive outcome in a long-term endeavor, or a simple yearning for the heaven beyond this life. Such desires can blind God’s child to the joy God intends for life’s journey right now.

Look at God’s promises to Jacob and how long it took for many to be fulfilled. God didn’t just want Jacob to be craning his neck trying to see how tomorrow was shaping up. God also promised to be with Jacob and watch over him and never leave him during Jacob’s journey (Genesis 28:15).

Think of it—God is with you moment by moment! Yes, there is much to look forward to; but don’t shortchange yourself and miss the joy of the journey. Your Heavenly Father is always with you.

Challenge for Today: Find your daily joy in the assurance of God’s presence.

Quicklook:Genesis 28:10–15 God's Word For Today

01-09-2014, 12:48 PM
Ahh...the precious present moment--Here and NOW :exclaim:

Thank You...Great reminder

01-09-2014, 07:51 PM
How well I remember the words, "Are we there yet?" from myself and my son.

If I am not there, I am allowing things to block me from the presence of God. Because as BW says, "Here is in the now!" Now I can do, because I am in the moment and connected to my God.