01-09-2014, 10:19 AM
Find Grace
Genesis 6:8 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
The grace of God is found in the first book of the bible. Noah built an ark for a hundred years and found grace in the sight of God each day. When one is obedient to God's word they also will find grace that saves, and mercy that covers the effect of sin, and love that will last throughout eternity. God loved Noah with an everlasting love.
God's grace is not just for a moment, but for each day of our lives. Live one day at a time for Christ Jesus and you will experience great grace. Walk with Him, talk with Him, love Him and life will be poured upon the hurting, the sick, and the lost.
Source Unknown
Genesis 6:8 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
The grace of God is found in the first book of the bible. Noah built an ark for a hundred years and found grace in the sight of God each day. When one is obedient to God's word they also will find grace that saves, and mercy that covers the effect of sin, and love that will last throughout eternity. God loved Noah with an everlasting love.
God's grace is not just for a moment, but for each day of our lives. Live one day at a time for Christ Jesus and you will experience great grace. Walk with Him, talk with Him, love Him and life will be poured upon the hurting, the sick, and the lost.
Source Unknown