View Full Version : God is infinite supply

01-09-2014, 09:58 AM
I am one with the abundance I seek.

God is infinite supply. One with God, I am one with the abundance I seek. If my perspective on prosperity is obstructed by fear, doubt, or thoughts of lack, I remind myself that I am not separate from the goodness of God. The path to prosperity is to know that I am one with All That Is.

As I observe my thoughts, I ask: Am I holding thoughts of separation? Lack, limitation, and scarcity have no place in my consciousness. I deny their power over me, let go of any anger or frustration, and open myself to abundant love.

In my awareness of Oneness, God’s good flows through me freely. God is the fulfillment of every need, and I am richly blessed.
Believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.—John 10:38

Daily Word

01-09-2014, 07:35 PM
Love this. God's Supply never runs dry. It never shuts down. It may be on His Time-table, but He does answer prayer. I will never forget what I was told many years ago, "God answers prayer three ways, "Yes, No, You got to be kidding." So many times we go to Him to save us when in fact, if we had gone to Him in the first place, we wouldn't have needed saving.

He is loving, forgiving, compassionate, and so much more. If I don't trust myself, I am not trusting God. When I lose faith, I walk in fear, as they say, the two can't occupy the same place. I may not think it is fear, it is generally covered over with rejection, abandonment, anger, insecurities, etc. but it is the root cause along with guilt and resentments.