View Full Version : Divine Love fills my heart, and I forgive

01-08-2014, 12:04 PM
Divine Love fills my heart, and I forgive.

If I cling to hurt and disappointment, I continually relive the past. But if I let God-consciousness grow in me, I am moved to forgive. As Divine Love expands in me, I step out of the shadow of yesterday and into the light of today. Through the love of God, I am free.

Sometimes the person I may find hardest to forgive is myself. I cannot change the past, but I can let go of it and focus on how I think and act now. I find ways to love myself, seek healthy support, and take care of my needs. I let the love of God saturate my consciousness.

Divine Love is more powerful than resentment. Through forgiveness, I experience the peace of letting go.
Forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you.—Colossians 3:13

Daily Word

01-08-2014, 05:56 PM
Told myself, "If God forgives, why can't I?" It didn't always work, and God and I had to work on it daily, especially if I thought someone should no better, and they continue to do. That is what the Big Book says, "...constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves." means. For me, a lot is knowing the words, saying them in rote, and not able to live them.

To forgive, I had to accept. Not only them as they are, but myself as to where I am in today and take the focus off them and bring it back to me and my recovery.