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01-25-2021, 05:39 AM
P-O-W-E-R Refresh: Day 25 by SGLY Ministry

Wait on the LordToday’s Scripture:
“…for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.?”
Exodus 31:17 NKJV

Today’s Thought:
Today, let’s focus on refreshing ourselves in the Lord.
Sometimes we get weary from working, and we need to just rest. Sometimes the world pushes us down and we need to ask God to pick us back up, or sometimes we just need a refresher course on what we should and shouldn’t be doing for God daily.
So, today, let’s just take the time to rest and ask God to renew us, revive us, and refresh us, so that we can be all He wants us to be!

Today’s Prayer:
Dear God,
I want to be all I can be for You, therefore, I realize there are times when I need to just stop doing and rest in You so that I can be refreshed.
Today, I pray for Your hand of blessing to be upon me.
Please revive my spirit, renew my strength, and refresh me with Your word.
I want to live my life firmly fixed on the plans You have prepared for me. I want to run with You and not become faint. I want to walk with You and not get weary. So please refresh me today God, for I trust in You to do what is best for me.

But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 NLT

Today’s Action: Refresh:

Ask to be Renewed
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 NIV

Ask to be Revived
Won’t you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you? Psalm 85:6 NLT

Ask to be Refreshed
You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance.
Psalm 68:9 NIV