View Full Version : Testing question - Accidental exposure alcohol

01-19-2021, 11:28 AM
I’m in recovery for Opiates and I’m on a MAT program.

Due to covid swab tests are no longer being done and urine tests are being used. In the program in order to have take home privileges you need to be negative for everything (except Pot, pot is okay)

I have a really bad mouth infection cause of a tooth. So on Sunday night I used alcoholic mouth wash and kept it in my mouth for roughly 5 minutes before spitting it out (to numb my mouth and stop the pain). Immediately after spitting it out I fell asleep

When I woke up in the morning my mouth almost smelt and tasted like mouth wash.

On Tuesday morning I was urine tested

The levels for a postive result for alcohol is 1000 (which I think is high?)

Will I be okay?

01-19-2021, 02:30 PM
Hi Kennedy

Thank You for reaching out.

I believe you will be. However in my experience it really is better to get out in front and be honest with whoever the powers that be are and let them know of your concern as well as your willingness to be clean and sober.

We have a saying about "doing the next RIGHT thing" and I would put this in that category myself but I don't push my beliefs on others. It is important that you feel comfortable with your decision

Warm thoughts coming your way. I hope you come back and check in with us.