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01-03-2021, 06:20 AM
January 3: In this season the Spirit of the Lord will align His people with His purposes. This alignment will be brought by way of revelation of God's plans for individuals. These revelations will come through dreams, visions, prophetic words, signs and wonders. We must stand watch and listen so that the opportunities for alignment are not missed. When the revelation of God's purpose comes, you will be aligned, brought into spiritual positioning, to go through the door that is being opened to you.
01-10-2021, 07:42 AM
January 10: Mount up, says the Lord, and go higher, no longer be earth bound, no longer be troubled by the circumstances that you are walking through. Don’t be troubled by those things that come against you, for I have given you power over all the work of the enemy and circumstance that you will find yourself in. Be encouraged even in this moment that I am with you. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will lead you, guide you, and anoint you so that you will have victory.
01-17-2021, 05:08 AM
January 17: It is time for My people to get themselves untangled from positions that have been ungodly. Untangle yourselves one knot at a time with understanding that as you finish the process everything will be in order. If you leave these tangled messes in your life, you will be caught in them and taken captive by them. Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
01-24-2021, 05:05 AM
January 24: Gird up the loins of your mind because as you think, as you think in your heart, so you are. You will become that which you are meditating on. But you can move into what I am doing as you begin to believe and process the word that I reveal to you. I will direct you and be with you. From this moment on begin to believe My word and you will excel in this season, says the Lord.
01-31-2021, 05:17 AM
January 31: Hear Me now when I tell you that you should stop and take a breath. Stop the chaos and be renewed in the Spirit. Get into a position of walking with Me. I will always take you forward to the position of favor. I will be with you to bring you through to victory over everything that the enemy presents against you, and I will establish you in the blessings of this season, says the Lord.
02-07-2021, 06:04 AM
February 7: The gates of heaven are opening, and I am calling to you to go through the gates and receive all that is available to you. With patience continue to press in until you receive the anointing of this season. I will position you for victory and blessings in the coming days. All things are possible to those who believe. Come by faith into the fullness of what I am doing. Psalm 118:19 Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, and I will praise the Lord.
02-14-2021, 07:47 AM
February 14: It is time for you to become new wine skins, for the old wine skins have become dry and hardened and will not be able to expand with the revelation of that which I am doing in this season. So, let your wine skin be renewed by the oil of this moment and the oil that I am providing for you. Let the oil of My touch and My glory soften and refresh you, anoint you, and hold you. Let the oil of My glory come upon you. Be renewed. Be made into a new skin so that you may hold the glory of this season and so you may not only have a taste of it but that you shall become full of it; that you shall contain all that I am doing. Let My glory come upon you and change you, says the Lord God.
02-21-2021, 07:34 AM
February 21: I am taking you up to a high place in the spiritual realm so that you can see with clarity what I require of you before you can move beyond the things that have hindered your walk with Me in the Spirit. And, when you see and understand the work of the enemy against you, the power to overcome will be present with you. Behold, I give you power over all the works of the devil, says the Lord. Luke 10:19 19 "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
02-28-2021, 06:07 AM
February 28: Believe that you can be restored. Believe in Me, for I will bring you to a place where you can do far better than you imagined. I will help you find the place of believing and receiving. I have undergirded you with the word of truth. Now allow the word of truth to take you on this journey of restoration. Be restored in My presence. Be restored by My word. For, this is the season you find yourself in. This is exactly what I have for you. I say to you, simply believe and allow My Spirit to bring you to a place of restoration so you can be all that you were designed to be, says the Lord.
03-07-2021, 07:57 AM
March 7: Let faith arise in your soul. Let it rise to new heights. Now you examine it; examine the faith with which you are fighting the good fight. Examine the faith that allows you to prevail. And, as you examine it in these days, you will come to a greater position of faith. For, the faith that I have given you indeed was a measure, but you have nurtured it, you have examined it, you have carried it, you have walked with it, you have used it, and it now becomes your weapon. It becomes a weapon that causes you to prevail in times that are hard. It causes you to come forth with a shout of victory rather than with the wailing of those who are not victorious. Come forth, not as a victim, but as a victor. Walk in the land that I have provided for you. Walk in the faith that I have given you and cause it to grow exceedingly in these days. It is a time in which the seeds of faith that are planted in your heart and are nurtured by the anointing will come and produce a harvest in your life, says the Lord God Most High.
03-14-2021, 06:41 AM
March 14: You can do this! You are called as My children to reap the benefits that I have set forth in My word. For, it will be given to those who abide in My kingdom, which will manifest in your life in a fresh way. From this point on make a determination that you can be what I have called you to be. You can do what I have said you can do. You can come higher into the realm of the Spirit and be more effective. You can see My power move in your life, which will cause your life to become inspired. Your journey into faith can be exciting and the glory of the kingdom will be demonstrated.
03-21-2021, 06:42 AM
March 21: In this season I want to elevate your position of discernment so that you can understand your spiritual environment. I want you to know more about your atmosphere. A special and powerful anointing is being distributed to My servants for these days. Position yourself to receive this anointing in order to walk in the freedom of the truth and revelation not only of Who I am, but what I will do.
03-28-2021, 06:12 AM
March 28: Hear Me and be willing to line up in accordance with that which I speak. You are learning and growing, and you must allow faith to arise to new levels within you. For it is by faith that you shall survive the times. It is by faith that you will prosper in hard times that are filled with great tragedy and dire news. Even in difficult seasons you will rise up in faith and praise Me. Trust Me to bring you through all things to a position of victory.
04-04-2021, 06:00 AM
April 4: I hear thunder in the heavens and the sound of the Lord's voice declaring that victory is yours--by the power of His Spirit. The power of the most Holy Spirit, will come upon you to cause you to be more than a conqueror in this season. You will have the victory if you believe what God is speaking: "Only believe, and do that which I have called you to do, and you will be amazed at the outcome".
04-11-2021, 06:24 AM
April 11: Awaken! Awaken, My people. Awaken so I can speak to you, so I can lead you, and so that I can provide for you. Walk without fear or trepidation; with full confidence that I will go before you and make the crooked places straight. I will lead you in the way of righteousness. I will be with you in these the days of My glory as it is poured out upon My beloved people, which people you are. Walk in the newness of life, and be refreshed and renewed.
04-18-2021, 07:03 AM
April 18: This is a dynamic spiritual time. So, I say arise and go forth with good expectations in these days regarding those things I will do on your behalf. For the darkness of this world is invading our space and is coming to bear upon this planet. But, you are children of the light. You are those I have chosen to spread the glory of My presence and power in these days. Know that I have chosen you for this special time, and I will empower you according to My word, and bless you according to My ways. Go forth in the power that I have provided.
04-25-2021, 06:51 AM
April 25: I am hovering over you, My people, to bring new hope, spiritual power and blessings. I am giving you opportunities to go forth in supernatural power and joy. I am with you to help you accomplish all that I have set before you to do, says the Lord. Identify yourself with Me, and rise up in faith to receive all that I have for you in these days and in this time.
05-02-2021, 06:14 AM
May 2: If you will fight through, you will win. It is a done deal. If I am for you who dares be against you. Come to this place where you believe with all of your heart and trust with all of your might. I am the One who has sustained you, the One who provides for you, the One who heals you, and the One who walks with you. If you believe it and re-establish faith in your heart and in your spirit today, you will have a phenomenal and glorious victory in the days that are ahead of you.
05-09-2021, 04:11 AM
May 9: My beloved, it is indeed a time in which you can grow; even exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that you can imagine. So, I say now, plant your seeds; water them; hold them under the tension of faith, for My word never returns void, but it always brings forth that which was spoken. Enjoy My presence and be filled with the gladness that I have for you. Come to the place where your joy is unspeakable and full of glory. Come into My peace, which passes all understanding. And, remember that I am not only with you; I am for you. I am here to lead, guide, and to bless you with all goodness. Receive!
05-16-2021, 02:15 AM
May 16: Do you hear it? I hear the sound of water moving. I hear the sound of rapids. I hear the sound of waterfalls. I hear the sound of the living water that is flowing to you on your behalf in this time, says the Lord. I hear it. Do you hear it? I feel it. Do you feel it? Come into this place where the living waters are now touching you, renewing you and healing you; bringing you the wisdom, joy and peace that you need in your life this day. Allow the living waters to move into you, through you, and you will find your way. The path of life will be opened and demonstrated to you as you go.
05-23-2021, 07:16 AM
May 23: I love you, care for you, and watch over you. I would have you come under the umbrella of My love so you can know Me in very distinct and unique ways. Know that I am for you and with you. So, find yourself in this position of knowing Me and My love and then everything that I have promised you in My word will become your treasure. It will become yours to find and demonstrate.
05-30-2021, 06:45 AM
May 30: I speak a word of encouragement to you, My children. Do you not know that I see your trials? Do you not know that I see your struggles? I have seen you in those trials and tribulations, and I am increasing your strength and power in these days. I am giving you an anointing, the anointing of breakthrough. I will come and deliver you and bring you to victory. I always bring you to a place of triumph. Lift up the hands that hang down, and strengthen your feeble knees. Gird yourself for battle, put on your armor, and go forth, for the battle is Mine, and I will surely bring victory if you will but believe. Arise and strengthen yourself in Me, then I shall undertake on your behalf. I will rout the enemy even as I have from days of old. You will gain the victory, says the Lord. Only believe!
06-06-2021, 06:12 AM
June 6: Come, My people. Come and be touched by My Spirit. Come and be renewed in the Spirit. Come and receive the fire of this hour. Come and receive that cleansing power of fire that removes all the debris and guilt and all that the enemy has laid upon you. Come and allow Me to remove it so you can, by faith, position yourself to receive a fresh baptism. A baptism which you really, really need. So come. Come and let My Spirit touch you. Come and be refreshed. Be renewed. Be baptized again.
06-13-2021, 07:30 AM
June 13: Some of you will receive a blast from the past as a reminder of things left undone. This is a time when you can take care of unfinished business. Put aside your emotions and let Me lead you by My Spirit. I will take you to unexpected places both spiritually and naturally that will be a catalyst to putting the past behind you. Trust Me. Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
06-20-2021, 07:10 AM
June 20: Let My glory be upon you so that the light will lead, guide, strengthen, and help you walk into the fullness of that which I am preparing for you. For indeed you are living in perilous times. But be reminded that you are a Kingdom child, a child of the light. You can walk in the glory of the light of My kingdom with the fullness of My blessings in your life. I am the Lord that gives. I bring the glory to bear in your life. Live in the glory and the light of this present hour.
06-27-2021, 07:08 AM
June 27: Come and allow Me to touch you. Let My life flow into you so that you can be renewed. Your mind will become the mind of Christ Jesus. Worry and fear are going to pass away. You are going to come to such a place of strength and power that you will never be the same again. And, when evil presents itself you can stand in Christ and declare your life, liberty and freedom. I will guide you and protect you. I will provide for you in every way.
07-04-2021, 05:00 AM
July 4: I tell you, My people, that these days will be known as the days of divine expression, for I am about to express My kingdom through you in a greater way. I am going to bring you forth into a place of resurrection power. In the process of this resurrection I will restore you. It is My desire that you come forth in health and with provision. I say these are the days of divine glory, and I will bring forth a divine manifestation, a divine expression, to those who will simply believe in Me, says the Lord. Position yourself to be one with Me in purpose, one with Me in heart, and then I will express Myself through you. The world will know that I have a people, and they will know that I am the Lord of Glory.
07-11-2021, 05:44 AM
July 11: Many of you, My people, have not understood of the times and seasons in which you live. Therefore, you must reach out and come to Me. You must ask for and acquire the wisdom that is available to you at this time, so that you can get on board with what I am doing. You can be recipients of the good works that I am doing and receive the blessings that I desire to bring to you. Walk in a position of revelation and knowledge, peace, joy and safety, says the Lord.
07-18-2021, 05:59 AM
July 18: I am the Lord who watches over you. Have you forgotten that I know you? I know your troubles. I know those things that you struggle with. I know those things that you think about and the things that you set yourself to do. I know your motives and your attitudes. I know all about you. I know you better than you know yourself. I am leading and guiding you. I have never left you nor will I ever forsake you. I know all the things that are before you; the things that are yet unfulfilled. I know what the enemy is planning for you. But I am able to work on your behalf, and I am able to bring you through the storms and through the valleys of desperation and through the wars that you encounter. I am able to bring you into the place of liberty and victory if you will believe in Me, trust in Me, walk with Me.
07-25-2021, 05:49 AM
July 25: Absolutely, without hesitation, move into a position of freedom and liberty in the Spirit. For, it will become even more necessary that you learn to live in the liberty and freedom of My Spirit, that you learn to live in unity with Me, and that you learn to hear My voice more precisely than you have heard it before so that I can lead you and guide you and protect you. Become one with Me and remain in a position of freedom where joy is free flowing in your life.
08-09-2021, 05:09 AM
August 8, 2021: I would have you to be an overcomer. Overcomers are those who fight through every circumstance--every situation that is established against them. The overcomer is the one who casts down the vain imaginations and the arguments that the enemy brings against them. The overcomer lives in My promises. Choose to be an overcomer and begin today by the renewing of your mind, says the Lord.
08-15-2021, 05:51 AM
August 15: Have you heard, My people, the things that you must now do so that you can be free from bondage and live absolutely in the purpose and the power of the spirit of life with liberty? This day I set you free of everything that has held you in the past and show you the road that leads into the future. Walk this path that is before you, the path of light. And on the path of light you shall be renewed. You shall be healed. You shall be able to receive all that I have promised because you have determined to walk with Me on that path.
08-22-2021, 05:03 AM
August 22: Don't stop. Don't quit the race. Run the race in such a way that you will win it. Run and you shall find that you have extreme energy and extreme speed because I will anoint you with My purposes in this dispensation and in this very time that you find yourself in. For, you are in the last stages of the race. Run the race now to receive everything I have for you.
08-29-2021, 03:37 AM
August 29: These are dangerous times. Therefore, I am calling you to a higher level of understanding, a level of being able to see and hear and to know the direction that you are to walk in. Stay under the shelter of My outspread wings so that I can protect you and guide you. The travesty of the world need not touch you. Even though you will see it all around you, you will find yourself in a secure and safe habitation in Me.
09-05-2021, 06:35 AM
September 5: The Lord of Glory would say to you today: I am the light and the revelation of the times and the seasons. These seasons and times change for your benefit. I am advising you to get up from whatever position you have seated yourself in and go with Me on this great journey that will create a new dimension of excitement in your life. And the blessings that will flow out of it will indeed cause you to know that I am the Lord of all things. I am the Lord of your provision, your healing and of your relationship with Me. You and I will become one in this time.
09-12-2021, 07:25 AM
September 12: I see you and know you. I know the struggles that you are going through. I know those things that the enemy is bringing against you. I know the seductions that he will use against you. But, if you will stay close to Me, I will lead you through the process of discerning his tactics and empower you to resist him so that he will flee from you. It is My desire and My will to see you in a position of victory.
09-19-2021, 05:56 AM
September 19: Come on, get up. It's time for you to advance in the kingdom of God. It's time for you to move forward. It's time for you to fulfill your destiny in those things I have spoken over you. Many things will come to pass in this time frame. Rise up to walk on the path that I have designed for you, and your destiny will be fulfilled as you go. And, along the way I will reveal things you need to know. I will empower and anoint you to overcome. I will be with you to lead and guide you.
09-26-2021, 06:15 AM
September 26: Rise up, My people. Make for yourself a new garment in this season. Cast off the old, and forget those things which are behind. Come into the newness of time with strength, joy and peace. Come with expectation of My goodness, My presence and My power. I am the Lord your God who provides all things. I have not left you, nor forgotten you. I am with you always to lead, guide, and empower you.
10-03-2021, 06:50 AM
October 3: This is a brand new day. Many will miss it. But, if you will seek to understand that which I am doing you will walk this new path of life with Me. You will know those things that are going to take place because I will reveal them to you. I will show you My plans for this season. When these plans are completed, you will be strengthened and reach new spiritual heights.
10-10-2021, 06:57 AM
October 10: Come into the presence of the Lord and into His strength. The revelation of His nature has been given to you prophetically so that you can be more than you have ever thought you could be. You can rise up into a spiritual climate, a spiritual habitation and place of victory in your life. It is His desire for you be victorious in all things. So, come. Come in His presence. Come with joy. Come with expectation. Come and be all you can be in this season and He will do the rest.
10-17-2021, 05:03 AM
October 17: I have set those on the earth who are My psalmists, and they shall establish a flow, a flow of My river among My people, a flow that will help My people come higher, a flow of My presence. Because their songs come from heaven and their songs are anointed, they shall indeed impact you and bring you into what I am doing. So when you hear the sound of heaven impacting your heart and when you hear the sound of heaven coming upon you embrace it and let it do its work. Let it bring peace to your soul, let it bring joy to your heart and let it bring healing to your body. Let the Spirit of the Lord flow in the sound that I am bringing forth as promised. For such a time as this embrace My sound, says the Lord Most Holy.
10-25-2021, 04:48 AM
October 24: I hear the Lord saying that you are now prepared to come up into higher realms, places in the spirit so that you can see, know and understand My purpose for you. Do not forget that I am with you. I am with you to help you, to lead you, and to guide you. I am with you to heal you and to provide for you. I will cause your life to become one of productivity, liberty, freedom and victory. So get going. Walk with Me in newness of life.
10-31-2021, 06:46 AM
October 31: Come up to the mountain of the Lord’s house. Come and sit with Me, talk with Me, and let Me show you the things that are before you. I will empower you to overcome anything and everything that the enemy brings against you. You are indeed more than a conqueror. Exercise the authority I have given you and become that person I have designed you to be.
11-10-2021, 02:33 AM
November 7: Rise up and encourage yourself in the same way David encouraged himself when things were not going well for him. Rise up and believe that I am for you, that I am with you and that I will bring you through to a position of victory. Rise up in this hour and allow your faith to soar. Allow yourself to again believe in My goodness and watch the blessings of My kingdom come to you in this season.
11-14-2021, 06:25 AM
November 14: You have been given precious promises that you have not yet received, but do not lose hope. Have patience and persevere through these times that seem to be so hopeless. You will receive all that I have promised in due time. Hebrews 10:35-56 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.
11-21-2021, 12:44 AM
November 21: Let your faith arise. Let your faith be the prominent part of that which you pursue in this season. Use your faith. Allow your faith to grow. Allow it to become sensitive to My promptings. Allow your faith to come to Me unhindered by doubt or unbelief. Allow it to come and you shall receive that which I have for you. Let your faith arise because it is the very substance of things hoped for. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
11-28-2021, 04:11 AM
November 28: I have brought you into the kingdom, for such a time as this, that you might grow exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that you can imagine. My work is being developed and demonstrated in and through you. Strengthen yourself. Understand that in this season I will make Myself known to you in ways that you have not known before. So, allow your faith to soar. This is a time when My people can arise to a position of the demonstration of faith in powerful ways.
12-04-2021, 11:53 PM
December 5: I have called you forth for such a time as this, so that you may accomplish My perfect will as I lead and guide you into the fullness of this season. Pay attention, My people, to the signs that come. Pay attention to those things that I highlight. Pay attention to the written Word when it becomes illuminated to you, for it will lead you as a light that shines in darkness. Receive the anointing that I am bringing. Allow that anointing to rest upon you like a mantle. Let it become part of who you are. Become one with Me, and I will lead and guide you. I will provide for you, heal, and strengthen you, says the Lord God, Most High.
12-12-2021, 06:33 AM
December 12: I am speaking to you directly and very personally. I know your situations and I know what is taking place in your circumstances. I know what the enemy is doing to you and what the enemy has planned for you, but I have plans for you as well. If you will depend on My plans and come to know My ways and walk this path that I am establishing before you, then you will receive everything that I have in store for you. On this journey worry is defeated and unbelief is destroyed as you rise to a higher position of faith, knowledge and understanding of Me, says the Lord.
12-19-2021, 06:46 AM
December 19: The Lord says that the enemy has been bringing a fog into your spiritual atmosphere. This has caused you to be unable to see clearly. It has created doubt around the things that you are making decisions for. It has caused you to be unclear about that which you are to pray and that which you are to do. But, watch now for I will send a wind to remove the fog which has encased you and the obstruction that has kept you from seeing clearly. You are now entering into a time of light and great clarity, purpose of mind and strength. Go forth with renewed hope.
12-26-2021, 06:38 AM
December 26: I know the path that you have walked upon. I know the circumstances that you have dealt with. I have been with you, therefore I have seen. I know, and I understand the things that you wrestle with, the dilemmas that you have gone through, and the questions you have asked. I know your worst fears and I know your faith. Today I come to encourage you. Those things you have worried about, those things that you are anxious about are known to Me, and this day as you release them to Me, I will deal with them. I will bring you through the valley of the shadow of death and bring you into the place of wisdom and knowledge. There are things that you must have understanding of so that you can proceed in an absolute faith and trust in Me, says the Lord God. I will bring you to a place of clarity with regard to things that concern you. Be at peace in this season.
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