View Full Version : Rejoice and give thanks

01-04-2014, 10:47 AM
Rejoice and give thanks

In all things give thanks unto the Lord your God.
Enter into His Courts with thanksgiving and praise Him for all His mighty acts.
There is nothing too big for Him to answer nor anything too insignificant for Him to care.
He makes provision for the most insignificant of His creatures, the butterflies and birds of the air.
How much more will He make provision for the dearly beloved people for whom His Son, Jesus died on the cross at calvary?
Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and believe on the Lord, your God.
He is willing to heal the sick, to uplift the downtrodden, to make straight the crooked ways, to revive the souls of the backsliders, and to bring peace in the midst of the storms of strife.
Rejoice and give thanks.
Jim Welch

01-04-2014, 02:43 PM
Like this, many times over the years, I just break out in song. It is generally best when others can`t hear me. In today, it is generallyBecause He Lives or The Old Rugged Cross made the difference.

I also sing when I need comfort. I was raised on old fashioned hymns in the Gospel Halls, and after dinner, my mom would play the piano and my two sisters and I sang until we were hoarse. On a special night, my dad was there and he sang along.