View Full Version : As I let go and trust God, I am calm and secure

01-02-2014, 09:50 AM
Letting Go
As I let go and trust God, I am calm and secure.

As a child, I may have clutched a favorite blanket or toy for a sense of security. I may have feared that letting it go would change my world. As I grew and matured, I learned to lay down those props, realizing I didn’t need them to live with confidence.

Today I ask myself: Am I attached to something that needs to be released? A belief or habit, person or place? As I remember my resistance to giving up my childhood attachments, I ask: Is there something I need to let go of now?

I release any unhealthy dependence on people, places, or things. I am ready to let them go and allow myself to grow. I open my life to new opportunities. Guided by the spirit of God in me, I am whole, safe, and confident.
Let your steadfast love and your faithfulness keep me safe forever.—Psalm 40:11

Daily Word

01-02-2014, 08:24 PM
Being a co-dependent for many years, this was hard for me. Seemed like I had selective thinking as to what I would let go and what I would hang on to. It has been a process for me, I can say the words, but sometimes I get the feeling it is only lip service, because my deep conscience, doesn't acknowledge the fact that I need to let go.