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10-04-2020, 06:55 AM
Animal Friends

I celebrate and appreciate all animals.

Animals delight us, transport and serve us, nurture and ground us. The antics of young kittens or puppies touch our hearts. Observing fish or petting a faithful dog can even lower our blood pressure! Animal friends distract us from our worries and comfort us when we are hurting. They ask little of us, yet unconditionally give their love and affection.

Animals have the uncanny ability to relate to people. There is magic in the way a horse and rider communicate. Service animals lend their vision, their agility, their sixth sense to help those who need them lead full and independent lives. Today I bless all animals for the many ways they touch our hearts and enrich our lives.
God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind …” And it was so.—Genesis 1:24

Daily Word