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01-01-2014, 07:16 AM
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
The very best year ever
To have the best year you’ve ever had, live each of its days as the best person you’ve ever been. This year will be what you make it, and you can make it great.
Many challenges will come your way, and unexpected interruptions will push you off track. Yet you can make the choice to persevere, to innovate, to thrive and to prosper no matter what.
Life is not easy and life is not fair. Nonetheless, you can live each day with grace, integrity, purpose, love, compassion and richness.
The decisions you make in each small moment will determine how this year unfolds for you. Decide right now to make the most of that amazing opportunity.
All sorts of outside factors will have an impact on your life this year. Yet the overall quality of your life will be determined by the way you choose to be.
Choose to be your authentic best, in each moment and in every situation. And create the very best year ever.
— Ralph Marston
01-02-2014, 09:13 AM
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Your next step
In any undertaking, the first step is vitally important. Just as important, though, is the next step.
It’s great and exciting to make a strong start. Yet what really makes a difference is continuing the effort after the initial excitement fades.
Success is achieved not just by taking the first, impressive and exciting step. Success comes from taking the next step, and the next and the next, until the work is done.
Today is your opportunity, with each thing you’ve started, to take the next step. Today is when success is built.
The next step may not be as glamorous as the first step or the last. Yet it is precisely that next step that will take you from the hopeful beginning to the successful finish.
Honor your commitment by taking the next step. The path to success is here and now, so keep on going and make that success yours.
— Ralph Marston
01-03-2014, 08:12 AM
Friday, January 3, 2014
In getting to this day, you’ve invested more of your life than with any other day. Give it the care, respect, attention, effort and commitment it deserves.
This day represents a culmination of all you’ve ever thought, all you’ve ever done, all you’ve dreamed and hoped and loved. There’s an amazing amount of substance behind this day, so put some great new substance into it.
Today may seem like just another day, yet it is so much more. It is the time in which you can make use of all you have been in order to become the best you can be.
Your presence on this day is an impressive achievement, so don’t sell yourself short. Instead, use the opportunity of this day to raise yourself and your whole world higher.
Feel your dreams, your values, your essence, your spirit and the love you have for the beauty of this life. That goodness is all wrapped up in today, and with it, so much more goodness is possible.
Your whole life has brought you here. Consider the magnitude of what you’ve been through, and find new strength to move forward in a new, brilliant, and meaningful way.
— Ralph Marston
01-04-2014, 07:47 AM
Saturday, January 4, 2014
The abundance of now
Don’t waste the time you do have wishing for time you don’t have. Don’t ignore the good and valuable things you do have in your desire to chase what you don’t have.
Now is beautiful, and filled with abundance. To experience and benefit from that abundance, let go of the need for more.
It’s wonderful to grow stronger, more knowledgeable, wealthier and more experienced. Yet when you are constantly needing more, it is impossible to fully enjoy the abundance of now.
Life is much too valuable to be put off until you get more of this or that. Live the abundance as it comes, as it is, without imposing any conditions on it.
Be good with being here now. Be good with what is, with what you have, with what you can do, and with what you can experience, now.
What’s over there and what will be someday, can wait until someday. Rise above the need to need more, and fully live the richness and abundance that is yours right now.
— Ralph Marston
01-05-2014, 08:41 AM
Sunday, January 5, 2014
You are free
You are free to follow the demands of your ego. You are also free to let go of those demands.
You are free to imagine and impose all sorts of limitations upon your life, your actions and who you can be. You are also free to move beyond every one of those limitations.
You are free to think positive, empowering thoughts even when faced with situations that could be considered hopeless. You are free to act in such a way that will bring value and meaning to your life and your world.
You are free to take difficult problems and turn them into spectacular opportunities. You are free to take ordinary moments and turn them into special treasures.
You are free to take whatever may come your way, and direct it toward positive purpose. You are free to fail a thousand times, and then to get back up and achieve stunning success.
You are free to find the beauty and value in all that you experience. Remember always that you are free, to live, to love, and to bring the very best possibilities brilliantly to life.
— Ralph Marston
01-06-2014, 07:21 AM
Monday, January 6, 2014
The time it will take
You cannot turn the corner until you get to it. In order to create a breakthrough, you must lay the groundwork for it.
Real value is built with time, effort and commitment. Don’t cheat yourself out of that value by demanding instant results.
When you’re moving in a positive direction, enjoy the ride and give it the time it takes. Even though the fulfillment is not yet complete, you can already begin to experience it.
Don’t be afraid of the time it will take to make real progress. Be thankful for the opportunity to make an increasingly valuable difference as time goes on.
There is great joy to be found in meaningful effort. The longer and more committed the effort is, the more joy you are able to experience.
Cheerfully give yourself and your work the time it takes. Choose a worthy destination, and treasure every step of the journey.
— Ralph Marston
01-07-2014, 07:26 AM
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Enjoy looking forward
Expect a positive outcome, and then go make it happen. Expect a fulfilling experience, and then go get it.
A positive expectation doesn’t guarantee a positive outcome, but it sure does make it more likely. When you expect the best, you give yourself many distinct advantages.
A positive expectation enables you to see more positive, workable possibilities. A positive expectation gives you a solid reason and a powerful motivation to push forward.
When you wish to go in a particular direction, it helps to first turn and face in that direction. By expecting your most highly desired outcome, you can vividly envision and focus on a path that will get you there.
Your efforts impact the quality of your life, and your expectations impact your efforts. It just makes sense to make those influences as positive and affirmative as possible.
Enjoy looking forward to a positive, fulfilling future. Expect the best, and do the work to make it so.
— Ralph Marston
01-08-2014, 07:04 AM
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Difficult circumstances
Don’t let your situation determine how you are. Let yourself decide and determine how the situation is.
Your attitude is never forced upon you by outside circumstances. On the contrary, your attitude is based on the way you choose to respond to whatever may come your way.
You can have a great day by choosing to be the person who will have a great day. You can live this day based on a strong, solid inner intention that never wavers.
What you encounter is important. Yet what’s much more important and influential is the way you encounter it.
It’s easy to blame difficult circumstances for a difficult day. It’s far better to live each day based not on what it brings, but rather on the positive value you choose to give it.
Instead of complaining or bragging about the difficulties, transcend them and live beyond them. Use the power you surely have, to make the best of even the most difficult circumstances.
— Ralph Marston
01-09-2014, 08:02 AM
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Stop waiting
Don’t wait to be inspired. Get busy, and find your inspiration in making something good and useful happen.
Don’t wait for the moment to be right. Go ahead and make the moment right by what you do with it.
If you wish for fortune to shine upon you, give it a good reason to do so. The reliable way to be lucky is to make your own luck with your own efforts.
The way to get what you want is not to beg for it or hope for it or demand it. The way to get what you want is to do what you must to make it happen.
You know that, so go ahead and put your knowledge to good use. Feel the irreplaceable satisfaction that comes from being master of your own fate.
Stop waiting for life to be the way you want. Start doing all you can to make it great.
— Ralph Marston
01-10-2014, 07:01 AM
Friday, January 10, 2014
Peace on the inside
You can choose to be active and involved on the outside while being fully at peace on the inside. It is a powerful way to live.
You can let all the changes and dramas, the comings and goings, and the ups and downs inspire and inform you. But you don’t have to let it all get to you.
There is a part of you that is whole and authentic and imperturbable. It is there that peace always lives.
Let the outer part of you be enthusiastically involved in the brilliant, exhilarating confusion and complexity of what’s going on. Let the inner part of you put it all in perspective.
It is authentic, deep-seated peace on the inside that enables you to be highly effective on the outside. Nothing can get to you or bring you down if you’re already filled with the best there is.
Choose to let a peaceful presence fill the deepest part of you. Allow that peace to give great power to all you do.
— Ralph Marston
01-11-2014, 07:27 AM
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Leave excuses behind
Excuses are the building blocks of failure. Actions are the building blocks of success.
At best, the energy you put into crafting a good excuse will merely keep you stuck where you are. Yet when you put the same amount of energy into taking positive action, you begin to move ahead.
When you notice yourself looking for an excuse, stop and ask this question. What action could be taken right now that would make the excuse unnecessary?
Excuses give you permission to give up. But that’s not something you really want to do.
Dig deeper, past the superficial impulse to make an excuse. Dig deeper, and connect with the things that matter most to you.
Make a new commitment to what really matters. Leave the excuses behind as you act to fulfill your best possibilities.
— Ralph Marston
01-12-2014, 06:53 AM
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Raise up all of life
Do you wish to invest your life in anger, or would you prefer to invest it in love? Would you like to spend your time and energy creating enemies, or would you rather be building and strengthening friendships?
Do you really need all those flashy, useless things that serve only to somehow make you feel superior to others? Is there really anything to be gained by being haughty and rude?
Every moment of life can be a unique, wondrous and deeply inspiring experience. Why would you ever consider wasting even a tiny bit of your precious time on petty bickering or one-upmanship?
Let go of the silly need to prove anything and you’ll free yourself to accomplish so very much. The only way to raise yourself up is to raise up others, to raise up your world, to raise up all of life.
Joy comes to you when you give it. Happiness is yours when you live it.
Everything you need, you are already capable of being. Smile from the heart and fulfill the destiny that is yours in this beautiful moment.
— Ralph Marston
01-13-2014, 08:09 AM
Monday, January 13, 2014
Too much to do
Are you overwhelmed by all the things you need to do? Then stop needing to do all of them and start actually doing one of them.
The best response to being overwhelmed is not to impress yourself or others with how overwhelmed you feel. The best response is disciplined, focused action.
Don’t be stopped, or even slowed down, by the fact that you can’t imagine getting it all done. Let go of your thoughts about what’s still left to do, and give all your attention to what you are doing, right here and now.
In fact, it’s a good thing you have so much to do. So gratefully accept that blessing and get going on the first task, and then the next, and the next.
You have a continuing stream of opportunities to make a difference. Keep yourself busy transforming those opportunities, one by one, into real value.
When there’s much that must be done, pick the most important thing and get busy. Get on the path to achievement, and keep going.
— Ralph Marston
01-14-2014, 07:13 AM
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Lumpy richness
There will be pleasure and pain, triumphs and regrets. Embrace it all as it comes, make the best of it, and move steadily forward.
Disappointments will come, and then new opportunities will soon appear. Each day, each season will have its share of ups and downs, beginnings and endings.
Life is wonderfully rich, and yet that richness is not creamy and smooth like a chocolate milkshake. Life’s richness is highly lumpy and inconsistent, and that’s what makes it so magnificent.
You’re much more able to fully treasure the good times when you’ve been through difficulties. The victories taste so much sweeter after a string of defeats.
Just remember as you go along that it’s all part of the richness. Just as night gives value to day which in turn gives value to night, all life’s experiences mesh together in a truly sumptuous adventure.
On this day, in this moment, it is all yours to take in. Whatever may come, treasure the richness in all its lumpiness, now and always.
— Ralph Marston
01-15-2014, 07:54 AM
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Purpose and fulfillment
You cannot do it all, and you wouldn’t really want to. Yet you can do what’s truly important.
There’s nothing to be gained from merely being busy. There are all sorts of wonderful things to be achieved by being purposeful.
So very many demands are placed on you by the world and all its systems and all its technology. That makes it more important than ever to make your own choice as to what really matters.
Just because something is urgent doesn’t mean it makes a difference. Just because something is colorful, exciting, trendy and enticing doesn’t mean it will add value to your life.
Step back from the glittery commotion and remind yourself of who you are. Remind yourself of what you truly love, of what really matters to you.
Plenty of things that seem important at first glance will quickly turn out not to be, so let them go. All the while, hold steady to what truly matters and build a life of purpose and fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
01-16-2014, 07:28 AM
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Whatever you think
If you think the whole world is against you, it might as well be true. If you think there’s a way to move successfully forward, you will find that way.
What you think about life plays a major role in the way your life unfolds. Whatever you think is going to happen will inform and influence each action you take, so that much of what you think does indeed happen.
If you think the task in front of you will be a tedious, boring chore, that’s what it will be. If you think the job will give you a unique opportunity to express yourself and create new value, it certainly will.
No matter what the reality of your life may be, you can choose exactly what to think about it. The more things you think about in a positive light, the more positive outcomes you will create.
If you generate thoughts of worry, criticism and complaint, you will end up creating even more things to worry, criticize and complain about. If you focus your thoughts on how to allow, encourage and enrich, you’ll find much more richness appearing in your life.
The thoughts you choose to think and hold are the same thoughts that influence every moment of your life. Choose wisely, and live magnificently.
— Ralph Marston
01-17-2014, 06:53 AM
Friday, January 17, 2014
Feel the goodness
There’s something good in your world right now. Allow yourself to see it.
Peacefully, calmly focus on feeling that goodness. Make it a part of you.
At any time, in any circumstance, whatever your condition may be, there’s much for which to be thankful. Feel the gratitude in the deepest part of your being.
Make the good things more prominent in your awareness. That will make the undesirable things much smaller and less powerful.
See your life in this moment in terms of those things you value and embrace. See the world in terms of the good things to which you can give your energy and your love.
There is very real goodness right here and now. See it, feel it, relish it and move it forward.
— Ralph Marston
01-18-2014, 01:04 AM
Saturday, January 18, 2014
A life of success is not a life free of problems. A life of success is a life in which you acknowledge, accept and deal with the problems and challenges.
Achievement comes not from avoiding the problems. On the contrary, achievement comes from diving into problems and transforming them into positive, meaningful value.
Yes, there are plenty of negative influences in life over which you have no control. However, you have great control over what you think and what you do, so make positive, productive use of that ability.
Convince yourself, without the slightest doubt, that it is possible for you to move forward. Then act on your convictions, and do whatever is necessary to make real progress.
It will not be easy, but when all is said and done, easy is not really what you’re after. What you’re after is a life of meaning, fulfillment, joy and substance.
Instead of running or hiding from the problems, face them with confidence and positive expectations. You are worthy of the best, so work through every challenge and live the very best life you can envision.
— Ralph Marston
01-18-2014, 11:47 PM
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Reach beyond yourself
The higher you aim, the higher you will go. Push yourself a little bit past what you know you can do, and you’ll discover new skills and abilities.
If it seems that you don’t ever get much done, maybe it’s because you’re not giving yourself enough to do. Make your dreams and ambitions big enough to be positively compelling.
Be genuinely thankful for how far you’ve already come, but don’t rest on your previous accomplishments. Honor and appreciate those accomplishments by using them as a starting point for even greater success.
You are intelligent, adaptable, creative, flexible and effective at getting things done. Fulfill your destiny and satisfy your purpose by giving yourself plenty of valuable, worthwhile things to do.
Delight in discovering how much more you can accomplish. Thrill to the challenge of moving successfully through new, uncharted territory.
Continue to reach beyond yourself. Know the joy and confidence that come from growing ever stronger.
— Ralph Marston
01-20-2014, 07:15 AM
Monday, January 20, 2014
Nothing to be afraid of
Failure is nothing to be afraid of. Highly successful people experience it all the time, and they do just fine.
What will hold you back is not failure. What will hold you back is doing nothing because you fear failure.
Say what you authentically believe, without worrying about whether or not you’re saying the right thing. Express what you truly feel, without being concerned about what others will think.
And by all means, take action, without fretting or procrastinating or fearing what might or might not happen. Prepare yourself as best you know how, make sensible, well-informed choices, and then get busy doing it.
Sometimes, the result won’t be to your liking. But you can deal with that, and you’ll never know what works and what doesn’t until you step forward and act.
The way to succeed at anything is to take action even though failure is a definite possibility. Push yourself constantly forward into action, and make a beautiful, unique difference in life.
— Ralph Marston
01-21-2014, 05:40 AM
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Immense bounty
Remind yourself right now, and often again, how good you have it. The more you’re aware of how good you have it, the better it all gets.
You are capable beyond anything you have yet imagined. You have access to resources you don’t yet even know are there.
The way to make better use of the immense bounty in your life is to more fully appreciate it. Be amazed at how good you have it, and you’ll become even more amazed at all the great things you can do.
All sorts of dangers, limitations, disappointments and shortcomings may forcefully and dramatically demand your attention. Don’t neglect such problems, but don’t make them the centerpiece of your awareness either.
Instead, see all the negative aspects of life from the larger perspective of your positive possibilities. Know without a doubt how truly good you have it, and you’ll naturally take every problem in stride.
Remember always how good you have it. And you’ll keep yourself always in a position of great strength.
— Ralph Marston
01-22-2014, 07:29 AM
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Always give the best
In order to experience the best life has to offer, you must give the best of who you are. There is no other way.
True fulfillment does not ever come from possessions, relationships or experiences alone. Fulfillment comes from what you do to put real substance and meaning into what you have.
The success you desire in life does not depend on the image you’re able to project. Success is a result of the authenticity with which you live your life in every moment.
If you attempt to cheat life, the best you can hope to get are mere tokens of success. You deserve much more than that.
So go ahead and put in the effort and commitment necessary to make each day truly meaningful. Do the work to be honest, creative, productive and generous in your own unique way.
Give your best to life every chance you get. And what you’ll get in return is a life that’s rich and full and increasingly satisfying.
— Ralph Marston
01-23-2014, 07:09 AM
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Life energy
You don’t need to get more energy. Simply make more meaningful use of the life energy that is already yours.
Instead of wasting your precious, powerful energy on negativity, apply it toward living with joy and fulfillment. There is plenty of energy in your life, and you can choose to make positive use of it.
Each day brings new opportunities to focus your energy on lifting your world higher. Every turn of events brings you the chance to make good and loving use of your life energy.
If you feel continually weary, take that as a cue to seriously reconsider where your energy is focused. To experience more joy and fulfillment, invest your energy in being authentically joyful and positively purposeful.
You have the energy to create, to love, to heal and to bring beautiful new meaning to life in each moment. Feel the possibilities that come flowing to you with life’s energy, and enthusiastically follow the best of them.
Continue to point your energy in the direction of the beautiful life you have chosen to live. And continue to transform that abundant energy into true fulfillment.
— Ralph Marston
01-24-2014, 06:44 AM
Friday, January 24, 2014
Making adjustments
Success is never achieved in a straight line. Although it’s great to carefully put together workable, realistic plans, life doesn’t always go according to plan.
Yet even when conditions change quickly and dramatically, success is still possible. To succeed in such a world as this, you must be willing to constantly adapt.
When something fails to go the way you planned, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, things could eventually turn out to be even better than you planned.
Regardless of what happens or fails to happen, you can choose to successfully work it into your path forward. Instead of making judgments about what you cannot control, make adjustments in those things you can control.
It might be nice if everything were to play out according to your plan, but the thing is, it won’t. There will most certainly be surprises, so you might as well find a way to make positive use of them.
Don’t give up on your goals or dreams just because things change. Adapt, make adjustments, and make every turn of events move you forward.
— Ralph Marston
01-25-2014, 07:34 AM
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Lift your thoughts high
You can think whatever you choose, so choose to think highly of yourself. You’re capable of much more than you yet know, so find some more of your unique greatness and bring it to life.
While you’re at it, remember to also think highly of others. The way to bring out the best in people is to sincerely expect it.
Think highly of life itself. Consider what an amazing opportunity each day represents, and do all you can to live up to its beautiful potential.
Think highly of whatever circumstances you find yourself in. Instead of complaining or fearing, use your powerful mind to dig out the best path forward and then use your efforts to follow that path.
Think highly of the future. Rather than worrying about what might come, focus your thoughts and your actions on making the very best of what does come.
Whenever you think, make the choice to think highly. Lift your thoughts high, and your whole world will be lifted.
— Ralph Marston
01-26-2014, 06:49 AM
Sunday, January 26, 2014
With balance
Live each day with the urgency you would have if it were your last and with the wonder you would have if it were your first. Focus your efforts while keeping your spirit confidently relaxed. Value, enjoy and appreciate those around you while taking full responsibility for yourself. Stay narrowly focused and broadly interested.
Give your actions adequate thought and give your thoughts the power of action. Be satisfied and accepting without becoming complacent. Remain open to new ideas while you find fresh value in the old ones. Let your spirit soar and yet remember how to land.
Seek quality guidance and be your own person. Live in the fellowship of others and strengthen your own uniqueness. Discipline yourself and be truly free to create and accomplish. Practice holding two opposing ideas in your mind at once. Work with commitment and relax with abandon.
Live each moment with balance. Drink in the broad, powerful, colorful spectrum that is life, and bask in the wonderful diversity of it all.
— Ralph Marston
01-27-2014, 06:41 AM
Monday, January 27, 2014
Making the effort
When you don’t feel like making the effort, the thing that will help you more than anything else is to go ahead and make that effort. Even when you are too tired or too bored, too distracted or too dismayed, the way out is to get busy and put forth effort.
Wishing for things to be better won’t make things better. What will make things better is taking positive, focused action.
Making excuses won’t make things right. The way forward is to make a real difference by making a real effort.
Just because it’s difficult, uncomfortable and inconvenient, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You have what it takes to take effective action, and that is a powerfully positive thing to do.
Instead of wasting your priceless time with procrastination, make good use of the time that’s now yours. Spend that time making a meaningful difference.
What you get out of life depends on what you get out of yourself. Make the effort, again and again, and give much more beautiful and meaningful life to all of life.
— Ralph Marston
01-28-2014, 08:06 AM
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
When the challenges are great
When the challenges are great, so are the rewards. If the journey is long, there is much value to be gained in making it.
When people criticize what you’re doing, it means you’re making a difference. When you keep encountering obstacles, it means you’re moving forward.
Just because you experience life’s difficulties is not a reason to be dismayed. Keep in mind that the more solidly you’re making progress the more resistance you’ll feel.
Feel the resistance, and realize that the very fact you’re feeling it push against you means you’re pushing forward through it. Feel the palpable sense of progress, and keep going.
Just on the other side of challenge is achievement. Just on the other side of the obstacle you’re facing is your next step on the path forward.
Persist through one challenge, and another, and another. You’ll emerge as a much stronger person, having created great new value in your world.
— Ralph Marston
01-29-2014, 07:27 AM
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Do this day right
Do this day right by getting it off to a good start. Do this day right by giving it a meaningful, positive purpose.
You have precisely one opportunity to discover and to live the unique value of this day. Get started on it right now.
Get started strong, and keep going with enthusiasm and love for the possibilities. Decide that you will do something truly great with this day, and then enjoy doing it.
Remember that every moment is a choice, and all those choices add together to determine the quality of your day. Choose wisely, choose intentionally, and choose to add great richness and meaning to your world today.
The immense value of this day is yours right now. Make good and purposeful use of it so that tomorrow you’ll have no regrets.
Do this day right by living it with love, joy and authenticity. Do this day right by bringing its outstanding possibilities fully to life.
— Ralph Marston
01-30-2014, 07:34 AM
Thursday, January 30, 2014
If you feel stuck
If you feel stuck, there are possibilities you are not seeing. Though it may not be obvious or easy, there is a realistic and accessible way forward.
If you feel stuck, it’s likely that the things you fear are obscuring the things you love. Progress begins with sincere, grateful focus on who and what you truly love.
Life improves dramatically when you begin to give and to live in the service of what’s most meaningful to you. Think of what you can joyfully give to life, and with that thought you are suddenly facing in a new, positive direction.
Keep in mind that happiness is a choice you can make regardless of your circumstances. Choose to be happy, and then express that happiness with your actions.
Give yourself a good enough reason to move forward, and you will. Somewhere, within your beautiful capacity to love, is a powerful reason that’s plenty good enough.
Instead of feeling stuck, feel love. Give life to that love, and you won’t be stuck any longer.
— Ralph Marston
01-31-2014, 07:07 AM
Friday, January 31, 2014
Fulfilling journey
What matters much more than where you are is the direction you are going. That’s something you can change instantly if you wish.
You cannot create an instant achievement, yet you can instantly be headed in the direction of whatever achievement you choose. From wherever you are, there is a path and a direction.
Your task for right now is not to get all the way there. Your responsibility in this moment is to keep yourself moving in the direction that will eventually get you all the way there.
No matter how long you’ve been off track, or how far away from the path you’ve wandered, you can begin right now to get back on track. Your very next action sets your direction, so wisely choose that action and go with it.
Don’t waste your time with regrets about where you’ve been or empty wishes about where you’d like to be. Use this very moment to firmly establish and maintain a positive, meaningful direction for your life.
Whatever the challenges may be, however ambitious the goal, your direction is yours to choose in each and every moment. Choose the direction that most authentically expresses your unique value, and enjoy a truly fulfilling journey.
— Ralph Marston
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