View Full Version : Accountability

08-10-2013, 12:32 AM
From "The Three Legacies of Alcoholics Anonymous":

"It was evident that here was a world-wide movement
that had no direct access to its own principal service
affairs. The Trustees had authority over our services;
A.A. itself had no authority. The simple trusteeship had been the ideal guardian for our infancy and adolescence, but how in future years could it possibly go on functioning as it had? …

"At first we had talked vaguely about a hand-picked advisory council or an elected conference of some sort. But since there was no imminent danger, no action was taken. …

"Following a long plea for an elected A.A. conference and other reforms, and after having pointed out that the Trustees had all the authority there was, with no responsibility to anyone, even to Dr. Bob and me…

"I set out on the road in 1948 to sound out among the groups the possibility of an elected conference to which the Board of Trustees could eventually become accountable.—Bill W."

Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age, pgs. 210-11

Posted on my site Soundness of Mind - April 2008

08-10-2013, 08:09 PM

Recovery from addiction, trauma, abuse, and other trials and tribulations on life's journey. Getting to know yourself, and learning to connect with yourself, God, and others.

It is my goal to share my experience, strength, and hope with others on what I have learned on my journey. A look at the spiritual solution to the problems of life no matter, what they are. Many people just view drugs and alcohol as addictions and stay in denial about the rest of their lives, so I propose to give them the 12 Steps, under the guise of spiritual principles for living. Not religious, but religiously staying in tune with your Universal beliefs and acknowledging and respecting yourself.

My recovery is based on the Third and Fifth Traditions. My primary purpose is to carry the message to the alcoholic/addict who is still suffering. You don't have to be a newcomer to be going through change, and the conflict and pain of emotions.

04-02-2015, 01:09 AM
Don't be fearful of the Traditions. They are something that can be applied to our daily lives, they are not just for the groups. I heard a lady share, "I had to learn to work and live the Traditions so I could live long enough to work the Steps.