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09-05-2020, 07:13 AM

Each day is an opportunity to make progress in my life.

We are always making progress, even when we are seemingly taking two steps forward and three steps back. We cannot unlearn what we have learned just as we cannot undo what we have experienced.

With that in mind, I make the decision to point myself in a purposeful direction. I have learned from my experiences. I seek to do more of what makes a positive difference in my life and less of what does not.

Even in times of chaos there is order. A failure shows me what not to do. I have faith that as I listen to that “still, small voice” I will be guided. I proceed with confidence, optimism, and trust. Each day is an adventure and an opportunity to make progress in my life.

Put these things into practice, devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress.—1 Timothy 4:15

Daily Word