View Full Version : Attitude of Gratitude
Gonna try to practice coming in here every day
Key word being practice....
I am grateful to accept my humanness today and know that I do not have to be perfect or terminally right. :195:
OOOPs.....yesterday was so busy I didn't make it in here so I'll do more today
I am so grateful God allows me to be of service to others
I am so grateful for this new beginnings
I am so grateful God is revealing more growing pains
I am grateful to have talked to my sister for her birthday today and to wish my mother a Happy New Year today
I am grateful God has given me renewed hope and the knowledge that gratitude is ACTION
Grateful I was able to do the next right thing today even if it wasn't comfortable
I am grateful to have been called into service in so many ways today
I am grateful God was beside me guiding my steps, my thoughts, my words and my actions
I am grateful to have gone to a speaker meeting tonight.
So grateful to be service in so many ways today
Grateful for the topic of HOPE at the meeting tonight
Grateful for another layer of the onion being peeled away
Grateful for the power and understanding of the WE of this journey
Grateful "WE" had a girls night out to go u to the mountains to a speaker meeting
Grateful the roads were not icy and there was no storm or snow to impede our spiritual progress
Grateful for such a powerful meeting tonight
Grateful so many shared with integrity, honesty, love and respect
Grateful to feel a full heart tonight
Grateful for a quiet day
Grateful to not have gotten into procrastination or complacency today
Grateful God allows U-turns and start overs and gives us a brand new day to keep on keepin on
Grateful roads were clear for drive to and from District Meeting
Grateful the "WE WE" gang is taking a meeting to someone stuck at home
01-10-2014, 02:49 PM
Grateful for God and His people!
Grateful to have gone with the girls to dinner and SPEAKER meeting
Speaker here from New Jersey..AWESOME!!!!
[Sorry folks from Jersey...Can't tell ya who--Anonymity ya know ;) ]
Grateful for the power of God, the power of prayer and HOPE.
Grateful for call from niece updating me on my SIS
Grateful to have been taken out to breakfast
Grateful to have worked and hung out with other alkies today
Grateful for chat with sponsor
Grateful God meets all our needs.
Grateful or principals and values to live by
Grateful to have been able to chat with my little Sis this evening.
Grateful God answers prayer
01-17-2014, 01:41 AM tYn6Q4mxLTXiPRJJsO1
Grateful to have learned early on that gratitude is an action word
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
Grateful I got to go with my sponsor to a great speaker meeting tonight
Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give.
I am grateful God spoke thru me for the speaker meeting
I am grateful the computer is back on
Grateful a friend made it back into recovery & is going into treatment.
Grateful for the gal that called on the crisis line.
Grateful to be checking in with my recovery family today
I am so grateful that the God of my understand is a God that is my EVERYTHING!
"...either God is everything or He is nothing..."
I am grateful that whatever is happening "This too shall pass"
04-10-2014, 01:10 PM
Hi, its been awhile since I've visited the site,but here ismy share for today:
Today I am grateful for the chance to help other recovering alcoholics. It is a wonderful blessing the Lord gives us when we feel the outcome of some message God has allowed us to pass on. tbagtom
04-10-2014, 07:44 PM
Glad you are here tbagtom, and thank you for sharing. Hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.
I am grateful that God's love is unbounded and eternal.
Thank you God for your patience and your forgiveness for our human condition of imperfections.
Thank you God for the daily reprieve.
Thank you God for neighbors that allows us to WiFi connect thru their 'puters.
Thank you God for the connection with my cyber recovery friends n family
04-17-2014, 01:08 PM
Grateful for a day off from work so I can get caught up at home and have some time with my kids today. And to have time to sit back, relax, drink a good cup of coffee, and spend as much time as I want in prayer and meditation today on this website. :42:
I am so very grateful...Profoundly grateful that the stresses of yesterday do not have to dictate my life today and keep me from enjoying the blessings God showers on me each day.
I am so grateful God is available to me 24/7..He has no call waiting, no call forwarding..I have a direct line any time any place.
Thank you God...tomorrow is THE day..The day you blessed with the gift of being able to go to see my momma
Thank You God for placing this wonderful friend in my life that gave me this gift
Thank You God that this friend felt your nudge to "pay it forward"
05-05-2014, 05:22 PM
Happy for you.
So very grateful God gave me time to spend with my mother for her birthday and for mother's day
I am grateful the standby status in the zoo they call Chicago O Hare airport finally ended
I am grateful I got to sleep in my own bed last night
I am grateful for the lessons I am learning and the spiritual growth I get from the sponcees that God has put in my life
Grateful to not only see and feel but also to be experiencing the change within that God and this journey of recovery has and continues to be doing within me.
Grateful that my recovery today is not based on yesterdays problems, issues or promises...Grateful I have a daily reprieve based on my spiritual condition today.
Grateful that God's love is eternal and everlasting
Grateful that God is my everything today
Whoops I missed a few days here...Tho i did not miss being grateful and writing in my personal journal
I am grateful God does allow U-Turns and does not expect perfection from this ole gal
I am grateful for God's blessings, mercy, love and forgiveness.
Grateful to be going up to the mountains tonight with the gals for a camp fire meeting
Grateful that God's plans & timing is so very perfect.
Grateful that God hears my heart even when words fail me.
Grateful for the early [3 am] call from a new potential member.
Grateful for the renewed commitment to carry the message of hope, renewal & healing to the sick alcoholics still to come.
Grateful I did not react to additional stuff rental agency is throwing at us on top of inspection.
Grateful I can put all of them on God's shoulders.
Grateful to have spent extra time in prayer and meditation with God this morning
Grateful that God is the Great Physician
Thank you God for the Pastor's message that was so RIGHT ON & in sync with my recovery journey.
Thanx for stoppin in Kurt. So good to see you this morning.
Grateful to know that when I hear something in stereo it is usually something I need to pay attention to.
I am grateful for unity and diversity
Grateful for the frequent reminders that God is in my corner and wants to bless me with HIS love, mercy, grace, compassion and forgiveness.
I am grateful to have learned I do not have to please people and I want to please God and be true to myself.
I am grateful for a heart of gratitude and hope
Grateful my neighbor "F" called this morning [she is on vacation in Georgia]. Grateful to honor her request for prayers.
06-29-2014, 11:44 AM
Will include mine. kFjTjpuaCaGdUkO_DO-lA
Grateful the church is honoring my request for volunteer work.
Grateful God hears the needs of my heart even when words fail me
Grateful the computer is acting right today that i can check in with my extended family n friends
Grateful for such a powerful message in church today
Grateful to have seen a couple visit the church that was married there 30 years ago then moved out of state but returned on their 30th anniversary and left a donation for the church...How wonderful!!!!
07-07-2014, 02:23 AM
Grateful that your previous messages have reminded me that I have so much to be grateful for. :)
Grateful to share ESH with Deek and others so they can fellowship with us and join us on this awesome journey of recovery..
Grateful to be permitted to lay in God's lap today after placing someone on His shoulders
Grateful to be part of the women's prayer group this morning
Grateful to meet "M"'s daughter and to know he has God and another person in his corner to lean on and strengthen him during this time of grief and loss.
Grateful to have found peace & God's favor over another issue in my life.
So grateful for the prayer warriors in my life.
Grateful to awaken hearing God's orchestra in nature.
Thank You God for a new day with new opportunites to serve you
Grateful to be walking in the Spirit today
Grateful that I woke up in time to attend the women's ministry
Grateful my sponsor stoped by last night
Grateful to have laid my head on the pillow with no resentments and no anger
So grateful I can be of service at the church today
Thank you God the 12 year old that set his mother's car on fire did not get hurt
Grateful to know what to pull out of the spiritual tool box for today
Grateful for the woman at the other end of the phone to be available for a 12 step call
07-25-2014, 09:27 AM
BW: Notice that butterflies are in there too.
Thank you Dave :87: :14: That's awesome :exclaim:
I am grateful "M" was able to fix this machine and grateful the rain that we needed came down during the night and we see the sun today.
I am grateful my memory is not totally gone.
I am grateful to remember important tasks to fulfill my obligations to others.
Grateful to know the difference between needs and wants.
08-01-2014, 09:30 PM
Thanks for your shares they are very affirming. 3I2fapIXuYQoN-ieZj5
Grateful the women's ministry's yard sale was a hit
Grateful I woke up in time to be to church on time
Grateful for the much needed rain today
Grateful to have gotten up prior to the invasion of management coming in.
Grateful for more quiet time with God this morning.
08-06-2014, 09:27 PM
BW: Notice that butterflies are in there too.
Dave, did you "write" this out? So cool. What a great idea!
I am grateful I get to go to the women's ministry meeting today
Grateful to have found my sheet set on sale for $17.00...regularly $39.99 :40:
:28: :39:
Grateful to have found a fluffy mattress topper...
Grateful God provides and meets my needs
08-08-2014, 05:15 AM
Great deal! One of God gracious gifts. ooOEEPAtgncUBoJjZMjCw
Grateful to be leaning on God today.
Grateful that among many many other things God is the GREAT Physician.
Grateful to know the difference between isolation and solitude today.
08-10-2014, 05:33 PM
Like that. Isolation is closing out all, including God. Solitude is being able to be alone with ourselves, with an option of inviting God in.
Grateful that even tho there is a great deal of pain...God gave me what I needed to be of service to others today.
Grateful God reminded me I gotta get the financials done for District meeting on Wednesday..Ug! :37: :24:
I was so focused on staying in today ...sometimes I do need to peek ahead
08-13-2014, 04:34 AM
I identify, I forget to look at the calendar, that is if I remember I have one. :42:
Thank You God I get to go be a part of the women's ministry today.
Grateful I get to be a part of the give away at the Center which is a part of the Church.
Grateful to be a part of...rather than a part from
Grateful God is stirring my heart for change.
Grateful God is the God of justice. I can love and forgive knowing God is the counselor, the lawyer, the arbitrator and the God of fairness.
Grateful God does meet my needs
I am grateful I can stand on and rest in God's promises
I am grateful to have met my new neighbor and was able to be of service to her.
Grateful for the rain
Grateful for God's grace
Grateful the truth disturbs the contented and the complacent and becomes a catalyst for action
Grateful a neighbor is interested in going to church with me this morning.
Grateful I was able to chat with my mother last night
Grateful for the power of laughter..Grateful laughter is the 6th sense and does heal.
Grateful for new beginnings
Grateful God allows U-Turns
Grateful during the women's ministry to feel God's presence with us and within us.
Grateful to have been asked to chair the meeting last night.
Grateful to hear so many great shares on topic.
Grateful 2 neighbors asked to go to church with me this morning.
Grateful one is interested in going to the prayer meeting and fellowship later today
Grateful that through my journaling God is revealing more spiritual truths helping me to grow. and giving me more knowledge of His will for me.
Grateful for what started out to be a neighborly chat over coffee this morning changing to be God centered conversation and sharing.
Grateful this morning is girl power with the women's ministry lunch and prayer meeting
Grateful another person will fill in to open meeting so I can attend the church event
So grateful to have invited 2 other neighbors to church event the other night...It was so totally awesome!!!
So grateful they got to see and hear God speaking and singing through children and others in music and song
09-07-2014, 02:25 PM
Nothing is more spiritual than children. The Lord's Love shines through their faces. Thanks for sharing. X5li32dNycKQEWZyzO-gg
Grateful to have been a part of the church dedication whee some of the AA meetings are.
Grateful to have gotten the District financials nearly completed.
Grateful the Delegate joined us at District meeting last night
Grateful for the suggestion of another meeting to check out for the possibility of a home group
Grateful to be going to church this morning to worship and fellowship with others
09-15-2014, 10:35 AM
Grateful to be alive and sober today!
Grateful for all my prayer warriors
Grateful to have someone to share concerns, joy, prayer and devotions with.
Grateful to have had such a powerful prayer meeting with the women this morning
So very grateful God sends the highest and the best of his angels for healing
Grateful God meets our every need.
11-03-2014, 11:01 AM
Grateful for 4 years of sobriety!
Grateful to be alive and sober today.
Grateful for being able to go to my nephew's Halloween/Birthday party on Oct 31st.
Grateful that the election is tomorrow and all of the political ads will end!
11-03-2014, 05:23 PM
Grateful to have you as a member of the site Dave. Grateful for your contributions and want to thank you for being a part of my recovery.
Congratulations on your 4 years. Many more, one day at a time.
11-04-2014, 10:29 AM
Grateful to be alive and sober today!
Grateful to be able to exercise my right to vote today.
Grateful to be going to the high school band/choir concert tonight.
Grateful to have found slacks and jeans that don't fall down. LOL
I am so grateful God's plans are so much better than mine and His timing is absolutely perfect!!
I am so grateful God sees and knows the needs of my heart even when words fail me.
I am grateful to be an imperfect child of God that is loved and cherished by God.
I am grateful God is the Great Physician and my EVERYTHING.
Thank you God for encouraging me to throw away the nikes running shoes and to retire the boxing gloves.
I am grateful God isn't finished with me yet
I am grateful to wake up with a song of praise to God in my heart
[and that is a beautiful miracle before coffee :smiley: ]
So very grateful I get to take a break from all the busy stuff and putter -- window shop & be with a friend today
I am grateful to have a new "mother board" and be connected with my recovery family.
I am grateful to have chatted with another woman in recovery this morning about God's love and grace
So very grateful God gave me the means and opportunity to get what I needed to get back with my recovery family online
Thank You God for another reprieve from the bitter cold and the warmth of your love
Thank You God for giving me the opportunity to be of service to a sick neighbor.
So grateful for my neighbor who is a believer in Christ that we can have coffee and a gabfest about God's grace and mercy each morning.
Thank you God for prayer warriors.
Thank God I have the supplies I need to keep my side of the street clean.
I am grateful and thank you God I am comfortable in my own skin today.
Grateful for buckets.
[I know silly thing to be grateful for but it is the little things that matter some days]
I am so very grateful for the folks folks around here willing to do God's work and have been more of a blessing this past week than I know how to put into words..
Thank God I can get out this evening and get rid of the cabin fever
Thank You God for the spiritual truth that difficult persons can and has become my greatest teachers
Thank You God for the knowledge to NOT DO the next wrong thing to this computer for dropping and deleting my posts.
I am grateful I feel well enough to go to Area function.
I will remain grateful for healing
Grateful I can prayer for family miles away and know God is there & will continue to be there for all of them
Thank You God I can pay my bills :12: :AngelPray:
Thank you God....It's pay day..
Grateful to be standing on God's promises
So very grateful to put my words into ACTION and to feel the joy.
I am grateful I got to meet and greet so many folks from so many areas during PRAASA
I am grateful to have praises in my heart during a stressful morning.
Grateful to have a deeper meaning of YANA.
[You Are Not Alone]]
It is not just other members..It was, it is, it always will be - God is with me
I am grateful today to celebrate with others as well as to be a prayer warrior.
I am grateful I get to clean up my small patio from a mess stray cats made.
I am grateful, [with tongue in cheek]...they must really love me.
Once again I am reminded of and so very grateful for the awesome power of the "WE" of this recovery journey.
Grateful God gave me what I needed to get a few things done today.
Grateful to have the shield of faith on today.
I am so grateful for Tammy and her humble work behind the scenes to keep this site alive.
So grateful for all the times God carries me thru the storms.
Grateful I get to go help with the food pantry today which means helping a great many folks in the community.
Grateful to wake up with a song of praise going thru my mind and heart.
Grateful I was able to go the prayer circle last night.
Grateful for silver linings in dark clouds.
I am grateful to have gotten through to doctor's office and I am grateful sponsor is stopping by this afternoon
I am grateful God is continuing to reveal spiritual truths to me and etching them on my heart.
I am grateful for those that see the light of hope that God encourages us to keep lit for those still to come.
I am grateful God knows the needs of my heart even when the voice is silent.
I am grateful for my quiet time with God this morning
I am grateful to hear God whispers today
I am grateful for cleansing tears
I am grateful to be connecting with family & friends today
I am grateful God has transformed my heart and mind through the blood of Jesus.
I am grateful for a gloriously beautiful day.
I am grateful to know God's love
I am grateful for all of God's blessings
I am grateful we are a diverse group with a common goal
I am grateful for the rain today and to be walking in the Sunlight of the Spirit.
I am grateful the God whispers to my heart and not only writes His truths there but He also etches them deeply within my soul.
Grateful to know "paying it forward" is not just to another is more importantly to the God of my understanding who can never truly be thanked or praised enough.
So grateful I can raise friends and family up before Him and lay their needs at the foot of the cross.
Grateful to know that when asked in the name of Jesus he will meet those needs according to His will.
I am grateful for the gentle rain that will feed & nurture God's earth
I am grateful for God's mercy, love, grace and forgiveness.
Thank you God for your saving grace and your sacred truths.
I am grateful there are no appointments or "have to's" today
I am grateful God gave His only son Jesus Christ to be my redeemer and Savior.
I am grateful for a health reprieve
Grateful for a gray rainy day that reminds me to remain in the Sunlight of the Spirit.
I am grateful to know and remember the price of freedom is not free.
I am grateful for my belief in God.
I am grateful all the answers I need God has already written on my heart.
I am grateful for what I don't have.
Even with all this rain, the lakes here do not have enough water for boating this summer. I am grateful I do not have a boat to worry about. ;)
I am grateful to be learning from the old timers as well as the newbies coming in to this journey of recovery.
Grateful to hold up in prayer those in disaster areas and for the families of those that lost their lives in these disasters.
I am grateful for God's loving discipline and teachings.
I am grateful for God's abundance.
I am grateful to have gotten together with a newbie this morning to listen and share
I am grateful for an additional service opportunity this morning
I am grateful we can bring our loved ones to God and it brings us out of our helplessness
I am grateful God accepts and loves me the way I am; warts, flaws, defects & all.
I am grateful my sister has been discharged from the rehab nursing facility
I am grateful for God's cooling gentle breezes.
Grateful god gave me all I needed to get thru today
I am grateful for prayer warriors.
I am grateful God is teaching me & revealing to me more those things I need to work on that are obstacles and blocks that keep me from growing closer to Him.
I am grateful for the medical professionals that have allowed God to work within them.
I am grateful to be learning and growing
I am grateful for even the tough lessons God gives to strengthen my faith.
I am so grateful I had a driver today to go to the VA
I am grateful God is an awesome God
I am grateful I have a God who is faithful.
I am grateful for a loving God that is the same yesterday, today an will be the same tomorrow.
I am grateful God writes His spiritual truths on my heart
I am grateful someone else drove to the VA yesterday
Grateful all needs are met.
I am grateful for God's love and grace.
I am grateful for God's many blessings
I am grateful I can trust God for His unfailing love, guidance and discipline.
I am grateful God always answers prayers
I am humbly grateful to be God's servant
I am grateful for Christ's example of forgiveness.
I am grateful for God's healing love and mercy.
I am grateful to connect with God each morning as I read the Spiritual Meditations
OOOps...I posted on JO's yesterday
I am grateful God knows my intentions
I am grateful for the gift of forgiveness.
I am grateful for the present moment.
I am grateful for the warm sun that God put in place for us
I am grateful for autumn days.
I am grateful God wants me to feel overflowing joy.
I am grateful for a daily reprieve.
I am grateful God answers prayers...even if it is not the way I wanted.
I am grateful I am never alone.
Always grateful to meet and greet new folks to the forum
Grateful for the spiritual truths God writes on my heart
I am grateful for God's gifts of freedom and choices
Grateful to have principles to live by
I am grateful for my quiet time with God this morning. [All children in the complex are out of school today]:15:
Grateful God got me home safe after a 12 hour day at the VA
I am grateful another neighbor gave me the opportunity to be of service.
Grateful sponcee called and wants to get together
I am grateful for the light of Jesus.
I am grateful I can get to church this morning to worship nd fellowship with others
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