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12-29-2013, 11:43 AM
Light On My Path Part 01 - Facing Reality

by Gail Rodgers
Susan came to me about her marriage. She was a realistic woman. She faced life head on and looked reality straight in the eye.

Her marriage was not what she had hoped it would be. She shared with me the reality of being spiritually single in her home. Her husband did not share her desire to grow in knowing Jesus. It often left her feeling lonely and isolated. She was looking for hope.
Together we looked at one of the powerful prayers of scripture. I shared with her how I had seen God work in powerful ways in several marriages where the wife choose to make this prayer a regular part of her conversations with God.
When we take the reality of our situations, whatever they may be, and lay the greater reality of God’s Word over them… something happens! As we begin to pray the words of scripture over our situations we see God at work! Praying God’s Word also keeps us from the tendency we have to pray our own will and our own solutions.
If you have a relationship today that grieves your heart, face the reality of it. Tell God all about it. Then take His Word and begin to pray the reality of Scripture over it. God’s Word is living and powerful! As we take our hands off trying to change people and situations and allow God’s Word to be applied we can anticipate Him working. Not only will He work in the situation we give to Him, He will also work in our hearts to bring His peace as we trust Him. Here’s how Susan used this prayer to pray for her husband, Bob… (not their real names)
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give Bob the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that Bob may know Him better.
I pray also that the eyes of Bob’s heart may be opened in order that he may know…

the hope to which God has called him.
the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.
God’s incomparably great power for Bob as he believes.

That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead…” Ephesians 1:17-20
Put the name of your loved ones into this verse and begin to ask God to open the eyes of their hearts. Tell God you are taking your hands off and inviting His Spirit to work freely.
Whatever reality you face can be covered over and wrapped in the reality of what His Word says. Lean hard on the truth of the Bible and expect to see God at work!

12-30-2013, 08:03 AM
Light On My Path Part 02 - Be Careful About What You Neglect

by Gail Rodgers
Some seasons of life are more hectic than others. It isn’t always possible to keep on top of all the things we usually tend to. When life gets a little too busy it’s easy to neglect small things. At first no one notices the little things left undone in the house or yard or the growing pile of papers that need tending to. Yet, as the weeds take hold outside and the paperwork and the closets are ignored inside, a growing chaos becomes evident.

The same thing happens in our inner lives when we neglect the regular care of our spirits. We begin to feel the growing chaos within. The reality of our lives becomes contrasted against the promises of our faith. We become discouraged in our spiritual journey.
God’s Word reminds us to be careful about what we ignore. In the book of Hebrews we are given reminders not to ignore the great salvation God has provided for us.
“Do you think we can risk neglecting this magnificent salvation?” (Hebrews 2:1-4 The Message)
It’s so easy to be caught up with the busy things of life that we overlook tending our inner lives. Then we often find chaos in our heart and mind and wonder why God seems distant. During those times we will most likely find our Bible starting to gather dust. God’s Word is nourishment for our souls.
If your life is chaotic and your spirit is dry… if panic is becoming more often present in your heart and mind than peace… check what you are neglecting. Make a beeline back to God’s Word and to fellowship with His people.
Make a fresh determination and declare the words that David declared so long ago in Psalm 119:16.
“I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.
I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
I delight in your decrees;
I will not neglect your word.” (Psalm 119:16)
Keep God’s Word at the very core of your life. As a Christian you simply cannot risk living otherwise.
prayer & reflection

Father in Heaven,
You know how easy it is for me to neglect Your Word. I confess that my Bible stays closed far too often. When You feel distant I blame You. Forgive me Lord. Help me to learn to love Your Word in a greater way. Open my eyes to what You have to say to me through it. Reveal Yourself to me in new ways. Help me to make this a priority in my life.
In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

12-31-2013, 09:55 AM
Light On My Path Part 03 - Effective Praying

by Gail Rodgers
We sat around our backyard fire. As we watched the stars come out we talked about how to walk our faith out on a day-to-day basis. We would look at what the Bible had to say about business ethics; raising kids; dealing with church politics or prickly people. At the end of many of our discussions Jerry would say, “It really all comes down to abiding.”

I still keep coming back to that. It truly is the answer to walking out our Christian faith where the rubber meets the road… and it affects our praying.
John 15 describes so well the picture of what abiding is. The picture is clear of the branch attached to the vine and producing much sweet fruit.
Jesus explains the picture and reminds us that He is the vine and we are the branches. It is only when the power of the Holy Spirit flows through us that we are able to touch lives with His love. A life changed by Jesus’ love is the fruit produced. Apart from Him we are able to do nothing of any eternal value.
Then Jesus goes on to say something truly amazing…
“If you remain (abide) in me and my words remain (abide) in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15: 7 & 8)
Suddenly it is very clear. My abiding in Christ will even affect my prayers. In the original Greek this word “abide” means to “continue to be present”.

If I “continue to be present” with Christ and make time in His presence a priority, I abide in Him. As I seek Him throughout my day, in each decision I encounter, I abide in Him.
If I let His Words of truth from the Bible “continue to be present” in my life, applying them to my heart and my actions, then His words abide in me… .

This, in turn, will make my God renowned. It will show the world around me just who my God is and others will be drawn to Him.
When God’s Word is a continuing presence in my life, guiding my thoughts, actions and attitudes, then my prayers will be different from the self centered requests I often beg God for. The results will be for eternity.
Our fulfillment in this life comes as we bear fruit for the next life. Keep God’s Word central in your heart and in your life. Let His words “continue to be present” as you walk out your faith in front of a world that needs to know “who my God is”!
prayer & reflection

Father God,
Fan the desire in my heart to read Your Word. Make it clear to me so it will guide my thoughts and my actions. Reveal to me the treasures in Your Word. Cause me to pursue it more than silver or gold or any other thing, for Your words are life to my soul.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

01-01-2014, 10:24 AM
Light On My Path Part 04 - Pay It Forward

by Gail Rodgers
Our driveway was impassable. The winter conditions had taken their toll. When my friend veered slightly off the beaten trail she was stuck solidly. The tow truck successfully got her out but left the whole driveway a mess of snow and ice. One neighbor knew another neighbor and a few phone calls brought a willing stranger to my door with his tractor and plow. In a short time he did a fine job of clearing the whole mess away.

I was deeply grateful, especially since my husband was out of town and the driveway had me stranded. With checkbook in hand I went out to pay this benevolent man. He waved my offer away, climbed into his tractor and was gone.
A short while later my doorbell rang and there stood the man. He said, “You wanted to pay me. Instead, “pay it forward” and do something kind for someone else in return for this. Make the world a little better place.” Then he turned, and again, he was gone.
My heart was warmed. I was reminded of God’s Word so familiar and so simple.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12)
This little incident made me open my eyes wider to opportunities to do an unexpected good deed for another human being… even a stranger… especially a stranger!
I was reminded that Jesus said the world would know we are His followers by our love. How often we get too busy to even be bothered with the needs of others.
Today let’s look for someone to do something for… something that is entirely unexpected and unearned. Let’s be deliberate in our mandate of showing love because of Jesus’ love for us. Let’s slow down our hurried lives enough to look around and share some love through some unexpected good deed.
“Make the world a little better place!” God’s love is the perfect change agent for that very thing! Stop to share it today.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
You are the One who cares about the needs of every human being. Use me today to share Your love and care. Use me to meet a need for someone You want to care for today. Open my eyes to see just where I can pour some unexpected kindness as I walk through my corner of this world. Slow me down so You can work in my life and through my life.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-02-2014, 10:28 AM
Light On My Path Part 05 - Faith to Trust God

by Gail Rodgers
Do you ever feel like God has not lived up to your expectation in some particular circumstance of your life? Perhaps you have believed… yet nothing has happened. When you feel confused and wondering if God has let you down, you have a choice to make.

You can choose to be offended at God’s seeming silence and disinterest and allow doubt to slip into your heart… or… you can choose to believe God loves you with a lavish love and has your best interest at heart… even when things seem to make no sense to you.
Jesus addressed this very thing. In His words to John the Baptist He says what our hearts still need to hear today…
“Blessed are those who don’t doubt me.” (Matthew 11:6 The Living Bible)
Times come to all of us when God’s activity in our lives seems to make no sense. We wonder at the circumstances we find ourselves in and we may sometimes even feel abandoned by God. We could easily slip into doubting our great God.
Yet God tells us…

He will never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
He has lavished His great love on us. (1 John 3:1)
He cares about the burdens we carry and invites us to cast them on Him to carry for us. (1 Peter 5:7)
He invites us to learn His ways and find rest for our weary and burdened souls. (Matthew 11:2)

If your heart is heavy today because you feel confused about what God is doing in your life, know that you have a choice to make.
You can let doubt in Him slip in and permeate your soul… or you can let these truths penetrate your heart. Each will bring it’s own result. Choose carefully.
Jesus promises you will be blessed when you choose to keep trusting Him even when it seems to make no sense. Ask Him to help you keep your fragile faith intact and leave your hand in His. He will be true to His word and you will be blessed as you trust our faithful God.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
Today I call out and ask You to increase my faith. It feels tattered and worn in the confusion of my present circumstance. Help Your truths to penetrate my heart and my mind. Help me as I choose to trust You, my faithful God.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-03-2014, 08:40 AM
Light On My Path Part 06 - Feeding Your Spirit

by Gail Rodgers
Do you notice how your spirit is affected by the things you feed into it? We feed our spirit by the things we dwell on in our minds. When doubt, discouragement, depression or fear drag our spirits to the depths… we need to look at what paths our thoughts have been running down.

God knows us so well. He knows the tendency we will have to sometimes settle into the depths of despair. He gives us 5 verses in Psalm 103:1-5 to address this very thing. Turn your thoughts to God’s Word and choose to lift your eyes off yourself and raise them to Heaven.
“Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”
Sometimes it takes everything in us to turn our eyes to Heaven and to offer the sacrifice of praise from a heavy heart. Yet the benefits will amaze you.
“Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits”
When our eyes move from our own state of affairs we can look at all God offers us. Listen to the refreshing, life-giving things God asks us not to forget:
Who FORGIVES all your sins
Thank you, Lord, that I am forgiven. Fill me with the wonder of a clean heart. Help me to declare my forgiveness when I am tempted to wallow in the pit of despair over my past, my failures and my weaknesses. I am forgiven!
And HEALS all your diseases
Lord, I bring my aching body to You and ask You to touch me with Your hand of healing. Give me wisdom and understanding of what to do physically. I also bring the diseases of my heart to you. Lord, remove all bitterness and pride and show me the things that erode my spirit.
Who REDEEMS your life from the pit
Lord, I am amazed at the fact that You reach into the pit that I even sometimes dig myself… and You lift me up. You bring beauty out of ashes as I trust in You. You buy back all the broken pieces and give me new life! Thank you!
And CROWNS you with love and compassion
Lord, Your care and tenderness to me is a constant surprise even though I know You love me. Thank you for the attention You give to the details of my life as I offer it to You.
Who SATISFIES your desires with good things
Thank you that Your plans for me are to find my fulfillment in You as I offer myself to You. You made me and You know how to grow me into all I ever wanted to be.
So that your youth is RENEWED like the eagle’s.
Lord, when I see how You forgive me, heal me, redeem my life, crown me with Your love and satisfy me, I am truly renewed in my Spirit.
prayer & reflection

Lord thank you for this wonderful view of Your desires for me. I WILL praise you with everything that is within me.
“Praise the Lord O my soul, all my inmost being, praise His holy name.”

01-04-2014, 11:36 AM
Light On My Path Part 07 - Are You Getting It?

by Gail Rodgers
I’ve been a Christian a long time. There have been few years in my life where I did not know the love of the Heavenly Father. So, when I read these verses recently, the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart, “Do you get it yet?”.

Read them with me and ask yourself the same question.
“Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You,
who walk in the light of Your presence, O LORD.
They rejoice in Your name all day long;
They exult in Your righteousness. For You are their glory and strength… “
Psalm 89:15-17a
As Christians, we want God to be our strength as we walk the road of life. We know we need Him. We want Him to be our glory… to show who God is as He works in our lives and through us. Our prayers reflect our desire to have Him intervene in our lives.
And He tells us exactly what our part of that equation is. Those who will know God as their glory and their strength will be characterized by three things…
1. They will be people who have learned to declare publicly and enthusiastically that God is the source of all we need in life.
That doesn’t mean you have to be a public speaker. Yet it might mean you honor Him by giving Him credit for His help and His blessings as you chat by the water cooler.
2. They will walk in the light of His presence. They will focus on the Lord with their will and lift their eyes off themselves and their circumstances.
When you feel compelled to have a pity party or feel the grass is greener somewhere else, choose to lift your eyes to Him and thank Him that He is right beside you and He will guide your path as you invite Him to.
3. They will rejoice in the name of the Lord and grow in learning all that His names reveal about Him as our source.
Let your heart find joy in the fact that He is our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and our Prince of Peace. He wants us to know Him for who He is.

01-05-2014, 09:43 AM
Light On My Path Part 08 - Because He Lives

by Gail Rodgers
Should they bring a child into this messed up world? Carla played the question over and over in her mind. Jim was unsettled about it too. The evening news was enough to make one cringe at what their child might be facing in another 10 years. Together they asked God for wisdom.

Carla put a CD in and let the music wash the dust off her weary emotions. The words of the song settled over her with an unexpected peace.
“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives all fear is gone.
Because I know, I KNOW, He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.” (Bill & Gloria Gaither)
Carla shared the song with Jim. Could they trust their Heavenly Father to hold their future in His hand?
Thoughts and emotions tumbled in Carla’s heart and mind. She asked God to speak to her as she picked up her Bible. These words touched her heart…
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Hebrews 6:19
Carla read the surrounding verses and saw the certainty of God’s promise and His unchanging nature. With assurance in her heart she knew she could not allow fear to dominate any decision.
Many decisions face us as we contemplate the future and the condition of our world. Sometimes one can be tempted to retreat; not to travel in case something happens; not to bring a child into the world; or not to pursue a particular stand on an issue. Fear can become our guide if we allow it to. Fear based decisions are not God’s way of doing things. He offers His own wisdom to us. (James 1:5-8)
He is our God. We can count on Him to anchor our soul in a world that is set adrift with very little that is firm and secure. Fear need not rule our hearts when God is our anchor.
prayer & reflection

Father in Heaven,
You know how fear seeks to over-ride my heart and affect my decisions. Help me to trust in You to give me the wisdom that I need. Keep my faith strong and focused on You as my anchor. Thank you for the certainty of Your firm, secure hand giving me hope and help in the face of fear. I declare my trust in You and ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit today.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

01-05-2014, 02:53 PM
Love it all, especially the words, "Because He Lives" which is followed by the words "I can face tomorrow, all fears are gone, I am forgiven, etc.

Pretty powerful words no matter how you look at it.

01-06-2014, 08:16 AM
Light On My Path Part 09 - A Short Supply of Love

by Gail Rodgers
Spontaneous feelings of love spring from our hearts when we think of some of the dear people in our lives. Then there are others who are not so easy to love. They challenge our sense of justice, our patience and even our Christian faith as we grappled with how to love them.

The Bible clearly outlines the characteristics of love. One phrase stands out today…
“Love is patient and is kind… ” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
It’s easy to call to mind those who challenge our patience and love. There might be those at work or at church who are spreading rumors; or that neighbor who just seems to want to make life miserable for those around. What about the one who acts in a way toward their family that disgusts you or even the politician who represents you and makes decisions contrary to your beliefs. Even some family members can be trying leaving us feeling self-justified in withholding our love.
Yet here God clearly outlines the characteristics of love. His Word said the world should know we are Christians by our love. Love should be the hand-rail that will steady us in all our relationships and dealings with the world around us. Yet how is it possible? One can not just turn a blind eye to injustice, mistreatment and gossip.
The springs of love are within God… love does not naturally exist in our own hearts when challenged by things that grate on us. God tells us exactly what is required of us when we face this dilemma in our hearts. Listen to His wisdom…
“And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly
To love mercy
And to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
It makes sense. Our responsibility is simply to walk humbly with our God. We need to allow Him to keep our hearts soft with mercy while striving for fairness. This will make a difference in the situations where people seem so irritating. His Holy Spirit gives us the patience and the ability to be kind and to look for fairness in our dealings. This approach would help bring balance to situations that may be getting out of control. This love makes sense. It bring perspective. It doesn’t suggest a “door mat” response yet it holds out hope when mercy and fairness, from God’s heart, fill ours and helps us deal patiently with some of the hard people in life.
prayer & reflection

Father in Heaven,
You have called me to love the world around me. It’s not an easy thing to do. Thank you that You not only spell out how but You also offer the resource of Your mercy and Your wisdom to bring balance to circumstances that seem so out of balance. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit today and let Your love flow through me so others see You through me.
In Jesus’ name, amen.

01-06-2014, 09:23 AM
BEAUTIFUL, Powerful and wonderful reminder today


01-07-2014, 10:18 AM
Light On My Path Part 10 - Equipped

by Gail Rodgers
Patty saw how Sheila loved children. She had a natural ability to make them feel welcome as they came into the Daycare. She asked Sheila if she would pray about helping with the children’s Bible class at their church. Sheila was surprised and said she would think about it.

As the opportunity ran through her mind that night Sheila realized she felt totally inadequate to teach those little ones about Jesus. She was still learning herself! Of course she would tell Patty “no” tomorrow. She didn’t even need to pray about it, she thought to herself. It was one thing to welcome them to Daycare and quite another to teach them about the Bible. It just wasn’t going to happen!
Later that night Sheila reached for Bible for a few quiet moments with God at the end of her day. She was tired and morning came early yet she knew His Word was a lifeline to her. She opened her Bible and read the devotional verse for the day.
“May the God of peace… equip you with everything good for doing His will and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him through Christ Jesus.” (Hebrews 13:21)
Sheila immediately recognized the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to her. Yes, she was to teach that children’s class. If she relied on God to help her and diligently studied the lessons, He would equip her. What an amazing thought. A peace flooded into her heart confirming for her that this was indeed the right decision.
Yet there was more… God also promised to work in her what was pleasing to Him through Jesus Christ. Sheila realized that God had brought this opportunity her way. He would help her do it and He would also work in her, stretching her and growing her to new levels.
If God is laying an opportunity of service before you today know that He will equip you to do His will. There will be great satisfaction in doing it, yet the greatest benefit will be what He works in You as He grows You to be more like Himself.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
You alone know how inadequate I feel for the task You are calling me to. Help me to have the courage to say “yes”. Flood me with Your peace as my confirmation that this is Your will for me right now. Grow my faith and my character as I allow You to work in me what is pleasing to You. Thank you for this privilege.
I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

01-08-2014, 10:52 AM
Light On My Path Part 11 - God is Able

by Gail Rodgers
Her faith felt weak as she faced this new challenge. Her husband lost his job and it was just before Christmas. Inwardly shaky yet outwardly strong she said all the right and reassuring things. She only wished she could believe them.

Faith is easy when the way is well lit. Yet when you walk in the dim light of struggles, faith must be a decision. God knows we will sometimes feel shaky in our faith. He puts promises in His Word to become a lifeline in those “rock your world” moments that surprise all of us at times.
If you are in one of those times right now then know this, “GOD IS ABLE”! Listen to the promise of His Word to you, His child…
to make all grace abound (overflow!) to you
so that in all things
at all times
having all that you need
you WILL abound (overflow) in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8
Take your eyes off of your circumstance right now just for a moment. Turn your focus to this verse and say out loud, “God is able!”.
He can give you what you need as you face your particular challenge. His grace will extend to your emotions too so that you will be able to overflow even to the point of touching others.
This is more than just surviving; more than simply getting by… this is tapping into the divine help and strength of our God who is able!
Choose to have faith in His desire and ability to help you. Determine to trust Him today. Ask Him to increase your faith. Write “GOD IS ABLE” on a scrap of paper and put it on your computer screen, your mirror or the dash of your car. Look for His grace to be extended to you in your circumstances and in your emotions.
As you focus on God, rather than on your current challenge, you will be made new in the attitude of your mind. (Ephesians 4:23)
prayer & reflection

Father God,
You alone know how shaky I feel on the inside. I ask You today to strengthen my faith. Help me to focus on You, my God who is able. Give me an expectant heart and an attitude of true confidence that You will be all I need.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

01-09-2014, 08:46 AM
Light On My Path Part 12 - Give a Blessing

by Gail Rodgers
Susan wanted to find just the right gift to honor some special people in her life. Nothing she looked at seemed to fit either her budget or her heart.

As she thought about it she realized what she wanted to give was a blessing. But what would that look like?
She wanted to acknowledge how each one had influenced her life. She wanted to thank them for the feeling of acceptance she received from them. She wanted to let them know that, because of their care in her life, she was richer today and felt blessed herself. She wanted God to bless their lives too.
She gathered a small symbolic gift for each one. Taking some pretty writing paper she began to craft a tribute from her heart to each one.
Giving a blessing is an ancient practice. The elements of it can still apply today and make a wonderful gift. Reinforce the value of the special individuals in your life by giving a blessing. Ask God for the words to write from a sincere heart.
“The blessing of the Lord be upon you: we bless you in the name of the Lord!” Psalm 129:8
Give a small plant and some words of affirmation to someone who has helped you grow in your life.
Give a candle and a note of thanks to someone who has helped shed light on your pathway.
Give a coupon for a manicure or a massage with a card to someone who has blessed you with their gift of time.
Take a meal or some baking to someone who you want to thank for their understanding and acceptance.
Blessings can be given any time of the year as you take the time to honor those whose lives have touched yours. As you speak appreciation and thanks back to them you are blessing their life. Add a prayer to ask God’s blessing on them in a special way in the coming months.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
We give You thanks for the special people in our lives who touch us with their love and care. Shelter each one in Your care today and may they feel the blessing of Your love and protection. Nourish their hearts as they continue to give from a heart of love. Bless them today.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-10-2014, 11:36 AM
Light On My Path Part 13 - How Did You Feel

by Gail Rodgers
“People will not necessarily remember your words or deeds as much as they will remember how you made them feel.”

I don’t know who to credit with this bit of wisdom but I know it’s true. When I stop to think of those who have touched my life in significant ways I am keenly aware of how they made me feel. I don’t always remember their words or what they did but I remember how I felt.
God also knows the impact we have on each other as we interact. He knows our ability to show kindness or to take the extra moment to show gentleness. He also knows our ability to ignore, overlook or disregard the feelings of others. That’s why He reminds us to consider how we make others feel. Listen…
“Be kind and loving to one another with brotherly affection and take delight in honoring each other.” (Romans 12:10 The Living Bible)
“Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you because you belong to Christ.” (Ephesians 4:32 The Living Bible)
Be aware today of how people are left feeling after an encounter with you. Remember, you are representing Jesus to the world around you. Let them feel His care through you.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
Thank you that You understand my personality and how I think and feel. Today I ask that You would make me aware of my interactions with the people around me. Help me to be aware of how I speak and behave. Give me a gentle and loving spirit that shows people they are cared about. Thank you that I have the privilege of representing You today. Slow me down as I hurry through my day and may those I encounter feel appreciated and cared for. Give me grace today by the power of Your Holy Spirit and may I in turn give grace away.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-11-2014, 10:00 AM
Light On My Path Part 14 - Take Courage

by Gail Rodgers
It’s a familiar Bible story. The disciples are out in their boat and the waves are crashing against it in the wee hours of the morning. Suddenly they see a figure walking on the water, coming toward the boat. FEAR takes over and they cry out terrified. The figure is Jesus and He calls to them…

“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (Luke 14:22-32)
Peter hears the Lord’s voice and FAITH rises up within him. He calls back across the water…
“Lord, if it’s you tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. BUT… when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out,” Lord, save me!”
The circumstances around Peter took his focus off Jesus and his faith was overcome with fear.
“Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
We all know that familiar cycle of FAITH, FEAR, FAITH, FEAR. We know that feeling of being the one who Jesus asks, “Why did you doubt?”
Storms often do rage out there in the various circumstances of life. Yet if we keep our eyes on Jesus we will be empowered to walk above our circumstances with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
As soon as our eyes begin focusing on the wind and the waves and the details of the storm, our faith will be over come with fear.
We can choose where in the cycle we will rest. We can let fear be the prominent factor in our day-to-day life. Its telltale emotions will leave us feeling like we are sinking with little hope.
Or, we can choose to put our faith in Jesus believing He loves us lavishly and will work things together for our good and His glory. In the process He will strengthen us to face what we need to and will give us wisdom and insight as we walk. Peace will steady us in spite of any raging storm.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
Today I choose to focus on You and Your strength in my weakness. I ask for the power of Your Holy Spirit to give me wisdom and insight. Let Your peace rule my heart today as I put my faith in You. Whenever fear threatens to over-ride my faith help me to lift up my eyes to You, my faithful and loving God who is able to do above what I could ask or imagine.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-12-2014, 11:28 AM
Light On My Path Part 15 - In the Mirror

by Gail Rodgers
They were sharing honestly. It was a refreshing change for all of them. They had spent a weekend together and over that time many of their masks came off.

In an exchange that is altogether too rare, they shared some of their insecurities. They shared their feelings of isolation. They acknowledged their desire to connect and to share the journey with one another in a deeper way. They knew God was there among them and they could feel His love drawing them to move beyond themselves… to share His love with one another and with a world hungry for love.
It was then that she saw the picture. God put it in her mind. It so clearly told a story. It was a story from God’s heart to hers. So she shared it…
She saw herself looking into a mirror. She was completely self-absorbed with her own looks, clothes and situation. She dominated the mirror. Then slowly, behind and beside her, came the faces of other women in her life: her friends and her neighbors. They too were totally absorbed with themselves in the mirror. Suddenly the mirror fell away and in its place was a window. The faces all noticed one another and they began waving.
She felt certain that God was confirming that He was asking them to move beyond their own self-absorption… beyond their own self-focus. There was a world of other women, right in their own neighborhoods, women who God wanted to touch through them. He needed them to look beyond themselves and to see those He longed to draw to Himself.
God calls all of us from the self- focus that drives us through our days. He asks us to cast our eyes to the horizon of our circle of influence and see those around us with His eyes.
Lift your eyes away from the mirror and to the window… It’s why He drew you to Himself.
“You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19b
prayer & reflection

Father in Heaven,
It is so easy to buy into the lie that life is all about me. I confess that I have been self focused and absorbed with my needs, my wants, my looks and possessions and my plans. Today I acknowledge that You did redeem my life for a purpose. You do want to touch others through me. Please help me to turn from the mirror of self- interest and lift my eyes to the window. Help me to see today those You put in my pathway who need to know You care. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and flow through me to the world around me.
I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

01-13-2014, 11:17 AM
Light On My Path Part 16 - What is Best

by Gail Rodgers
Karla was a capable woman. She usually knew what course of action to take. Yet this time she was troubled. Disunity in her circle was causing friction and people were being hurt. She asked God for His help.

Karla knew it was no accident when she picked up her Bible that night and read the words of the prayer Paul had prayed for the Philippians many years earlier. The timeless truth of God’s Word spoke to her heart…
“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you maybe able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:15
We all face situations where disunity has the potential to destroy relationships and hurt people who need to feel God’s love. Invite God to give you what you need in the sticky relationships in your life.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
I need Your love to overflow in my heart. My own is growing thin. Help me to be patient with those I find abrasive and to be gentle in return. Help me to reflect Your goodness to others and share my faith in You.
Father, help me to discern what is best and give me strength to follow that course. Let my life be marked by a humility that shows my confidence is in You and not in my own wisdom. Let my life proclaim who my God is!
Help me to keep my heart pure in thought and attitude and to live my life in such a way that I cast no shadow on Your name. May my life reflect the love of Jesus and may I share Your joy and bring Your peace into areas of conflict.
I ask right now that You would help me to grow in allowing my heart to be filled with overflowing love for You. Let it spill over to those around me as I trust You to give me understanding as to what is best. Keep me growing in my discernment of how Your Truth can help me avoid error in my own life. Please bring fruit out of this situation that will bring praise and glory to You.
In the strong name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

01-14-2014, 09:24 AM
Light On My Path Part 17 - Nurturing Love

by Gail Rodgers
Karen felt like there was no rhythm in their home anymore. It seemed everyone was going different directions at different times.

The family times they had had when the kids were small were gone as the older children inched their way to independence. She asked God to show her how to bring some balance back into their schedule and how to better nurture her growing family.
As women we have a unique opportunity to meet the important need of giving and receiving love as our families grow and change. God reminds us that our love goes much further than our words. We can be pro-active in finding ways to intentionally nurture love in our homes in spite of schedules that often see us passing in the doorway.
“Dear Children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” (1 John 3:18)
Seven Steps to Loving with Action in Our Homes
1. Love is a learned response
Give affection daily and consciously respond to affection given to you.
2. Love your husband
Visible love to one another provides security and stability in the home.
3. Love must be communicated
Do your tones and body language reflect love, along with your words?
4. Love takes time to be together
Intentionally make time for those you love and look into their eyes.
5. Love shares
Share work and play; thoughts and ideas. Share life!
6. Love listens
Listen with your heart as well as with your ears.
7. Love thrives within trust
Keep integrity in tact.
prayer & reflection

Heavenly Father,
I need Your help to model love in my home. Fill me with Your love by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Give me insight and understanding in the ways my family members need to receive my love. Help me to bask in Your love for me so that I will be equipped by You to love others.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-14-2014, 03:24 PM
Like these, they don't need my two cents added, but they enrich my soul and speak for themselves.

They enlighten and give food for thought.

Like the mirror one especially, what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves. I found myself in the rooms of recovery. A little from this one, a little more from that one, most of what that one said, nothing of what they have, other than the fact that they are here. I was very fragmented when I came into recovery, and by going to meetings, they put me back together, I found myself.

01-15-2014, 10:41 AM
Light On My Path Part 18 - Overcoming Unbelief

by Gail Rodgers
It was a move made more out of desperation than out of faith. The father was out of resources. His son had had severe convulsions since he was a small child. The man had heard that Jesus could heal.

He made his way through the crowd that surrounded Jesus and called out for help. “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” It wasn’t exactly what you would call a strong declaration of faith. “If you can… ” tells us the father was hopeful but not faith filled.
Jesus took note of the question. “If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” The father cried out…
“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)
His son was healed!
All too often many of us find our belief mingled with unbelief. Jesus responded to the heart of this man who openly admitted that his faith was weak. He was openly honest. He declared his belief and cried out for help to overcome it.
When we find ourselves facing circumstances that loom large in our lives we often find our faith is weak. We want to believe God to move the mountain or part the seas. We know He can. Yet unbelief hovers in a corner of our heart. We hope, yet we are reluctant to really believe He will. We hide our unbelief.
Jesus knows us in the very depth of our souls. He understands our lack of faith and He looks beyond it to our individual hearts. When He hears that cry, “help me overcome my unbelief,” His heart is stirred by our desire to fully believe Him… and he increases our faith.
As we cry out for help to overcome unbelief in our lives, He responds and builds our faith. As we see Him begin to move the mountains in our lives, our faith grows. We develop a track record of His faithfulness that keeps moving us down the road to even greater faith.
If your faith is small today in believing God can intervene in something you feel is impossible, ask Him to help you overcome your unbelief. He will meet you at your point of desire and He will increase your faith. Confess your unbelief to Him and ask Him to grow your faith. He will do it.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
My faith is so often weak as I seek to trust You with my whole life. Today I confess to You that I do have unbelief mingled with my belief. I ask You right now to help me overcome my unbelief. I need Your strength and Your help to grow my faith. Thank you for Your power in my life.
In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

01-16-2014, 11:08 AM
Light On My Path Part 19 - Is Real Joy Possible

by Gail Rodgers
What adjective would you use to describe yourself? Think about it for a moment. Would it be “joyful” or “worried”, “fearful”, “encourager”, “perfectionist”?

God tells us that our joy will increase as our trust in Him increases. This is something beyond the happiness and delight or pleasure found in a particular circumstance.
True joy is a deep and abiding assurance rooted in hope. If worry, fear, nagging, or feeling overwhelmed is what characterizes you on a daily basis, you know your trust in God has probably faded and your hope begins to feel slim.
Listen to God’s promise to you…
“May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ( Romans 15:13)
When hope has disappeared off your horizon, check honestly to see where your trust in God is at. Ask Him to increase your faith. Ask Him to grow your faith to believe that…

He will act on your behalf.
He will give you strength and wisdom where you are weak and confused.
He will supernaturally fill you with the power of His Holy Spirit.
He will increase your hope in Him in every circumstance of your life.

The hope you have in God increases as your trust deepens. This hope becomes an anchor for your soul. It will bring with it a deep source of victory and joy as God works in you and through you to bring His hope to you in your day-to-day world. Depend on His Holy Spirit to fill you with increased faith today.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
I ask today that You will increase my faith in You. I want to trust You with every aspect of my life. I need the power of Your Holy Spirit to work in me to trust You fully for the hope of my future. Help me to move from worry and fret to hope and joy. Fill me today so that I can actually overflow with hope by the power of Your Spirit. Thank you for Your amazing grace in my life.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-17-2014, 03:25 AM
Light On My Path Part 20 - Listen to Your Words

by Gail Rodgers
Have you listened lately to the words you use when you speak to those nearest and dearest to you? Sometimes in the hurried flurry of our day we simply overlook the way we are communicating.

We excuse our hasty words and harsh tones because we are tired or stressed.
God’s Word reminds us that our words are very important. We need to take responsibility for what comes out of our mouths. Listen to these wise words…
“Reckless words pierce like a sword but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (Proverbs 12:18)
Our sharp words have the ability to cut the people around us. A wise woman will consider what her words are doing and will seek to communicate in a way that brings healing rather than hurt.
We know that our communication is made up of words, tone and body language.

Our words only make up about 7% of our communication.
Our tones make up 38%.
Our body language makes up the remaining 55%.

Take note today of what your communication sounds and looks like. It may surprise you. Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you to be wise in your speech and gentle in your tones and body language.
The world out there is filled with sharp words of sarcasm, criticism, negativity and worry. Go against the flow and ask God to help you bring a calm and gentle spirit to your home and work place today through the way you communicate.
Hearts all around us are hurting. You have a unique opportunity today to be a woman of wisdom in the way you communicate. With God’s help bring encouragement and healing through your words, tones and body language.
prayer & reflection

Heavenly Father,
Forgive me for the many times words spring from my mouth that are unnecessary comments of gossip, hurt or criticism. Today I ask that Your Holy Spirit will be my guide in my communication. Nudge me when I am ready to speak piercing words. Fill me with Your gentleness and compassion and remind me that my tones and body language are communicating too. Help me to take responsibility for what comes out of my mouth.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-18-2014, 11:34 AM
Light On My Path Part 21 - Agreement with God's Word

by Gail Rodgers
I often need to let thing steep in my mind and heart much like making a good pot of tea. Lately I’ve been pondering a thought from Dr. Myles Munroe book on “Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer”. It is this…

“The backbone of prayer is our agreement with God’s Word…”
As this steeped in my heart I began to see my praying differently. Often I determine what would be the best answer in my situations and then ask God, in faith, to accomplish it. Scripture is sometimes a part of that. Yet God began to challenge my heart to ask Him first what His Word says about what I am praying for. How could I agree with His Word in the things that I felt prompted to pray for?
Here are some prayer nuggets I found as I asked God how to pray according to His word.
When praying for someone who seems oblivious to God’s care for her.
Show her the wonder of Your great love, O Lord. Psalm 1:7
When praying for someone who seems directionless in her work.
Establish the work of her hands, O Lord. Psalm 90:17
When praying for someone who sincerely desires to walk in God’s ways.
Since she lives in the Spirit, help her keep in step with the Spirit. Gal. 5:20
When praying for someone who is tempted to go back into her old ways.
Thank you Lord that it is for freedom that You have set us free. Help her to stand firm and not be entangled again in this slavery. Gal. 5:1
When praying for someone who is confused about how to live.
Lord, help her not to conform to the patterns of the world but to be transformed by the renewing of her mind so she can prove out Your will in her life. Romans 12:2
When praying for someone who is distracted spiritually by acquiring things.
Lord, help her to set her affections on things above and not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2
When praying for someone who is despondent and brokenhearted.
Lord, restore her soul and lead her in right paths for the sake of Your name. Psalm 23
When praying for someone who needs to give her heart to the Lord.
Thank you Lord, that You are patient and desiring everyone to come to repentance. Help her to choose to turn her life into Your hands. 2 Peter 3:9
When praying for someone who desires a mate, a new job or a change.
Thank you Lord that You will perfect that which concerns her today. Psalm 138:8
When praying for those worn out in ministry.
Lord, may she be energized today as she lives her life on the wavelength of the great commission. Matthew 28:19
prayer & reflection

Heavenly Father,
Thank you that Your word gives us everything we need for life and for godliness.
Teach us to pray according to Your Word and not according to our wishes. Lead us in new paths of prayer as we look to discover first what Your word says about what we are praying for. Teach us to pray, Lord.
In Jesus’ powerful name I ask, amen.

01-19-2014, 10:13 AM
Light On My Path Part 22 - Changed by the Spirit

by Gail Rodgers
There are places and times when we feel we need extra wisdom, insight, guidance and strength. We long for understanding in situations that seem confusing. We need revelation when truth is being hidden or skewed.

God provides all these things to His children through the Holy Spirit. Paul the apostle, prayed for believers to receive the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so they could know God better.
This prayer is still for us today. It reflects what is available to believers… to you and me.
“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms…”.
Why do we allow ourselves to live in confusion and even chaos when we can be equipped by the Holy Spirit of God? Do we miss the wisdom and revelation we can have from God because we drown out that quiet voice of the Spirit by our busy lives? In so doing we are actually choosing the chaos and confusion. Think about it. This is not God’s plan for you. Know He wants to equip you to walk in wisdom, revelation, strength and power right where you are. He wants you to know Him better.
Think of one area where you are experiencing perplexity, confusion or chaos and invite God right now to begin to show You His wisdom in this situation.
prayer & reflection

Heavenly Father,
Thank you that Your Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Thank you that Your Spirit will lead me to know You better. Fill my spirit afresh today with the wisdom and revelation, the strength and comfort I need to walk in the areas that perplex me. Quiet my heart to hear Your Spirit specifically in (name your own perplexing circumstance) . Thank you that You equip me by Your Spirit.
I pray these things in the name of Jesus, amen.

01-20-2014, 09:49 AM
Light On My Path Part 23 - Communicate Differently

by Gail Rodgers
Pause before you speak. It’s a simple thing…a very small thing. Yet the wisdom in that simple act actually comes from the heart of God. Listen to the relationship-changing words He gives us…

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God.” (Ephesians 4:29, 30a)
Recognize and admit any negative communication cycle you are in.

Ask God to forgive you for grieving Him with the negative overflow from your mouth.
Ask Him to help you hold your tongue and to give you wisdom in your responses.
He can help you refrain from saying those accusing, mean, whiny or hurtful things that spring defensively from your heart.
Ask God to help you understand the needs of the other person and put them before your own. This is not easy; yet the other heart has been affected by the tense communication, too, and this cycle needs to be broken.
Speak building words and not words that tear down or cut. Choose words that benefit the other person.

As you depend on God to help you, you will find your defenses coming down and there will be new opportunities to communicate on things that need change. Make the first move in God’s power. Our tension-filled relationships and homes need His healing touch.
prayer & reflection

You know the tension there is in some of my relationships. Help me to be willing to be the change agent. I ask that You would change my heart attitude. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and enable me to speak words that build up and benefit. Help me to keep silent when I need to. Forgive me when I fail and help me as I learn to trust You in this critical area of my life.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-21-2014, 09:17 AM
Light On My Path Part 24 - Tense Communication

by Gail Rodgers
When you find yourself in a relationship, whether at home or at work that is charged with tension, ask God into the situation. Prayer does change things!

God will give you the wisdom you need to make changes in tense relationships. His Word reveals practical insight. The communication cycle starts in your heart. You can only change yourself yet that change will very often foster changes in the relationships around you.
Recognize that the overflow of your mouth comes from the attitude of your heart.
“Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45b).

Ask God to give you a desire to change the attitude of your heart toward the person you are in tense communication with. Ask Him to help you see that person through His eyes. Ask Him for a kind heart.
Ask God to first meet the needs of your heart. Past hurts buried there often become the filters we put the words of others through. Recognize what is true about yourself and what is not. Ask God to give you clarity of understanding. Ask Him to begin the healing process of the deep hurts that may have become your filters.
Ask God to give you a willingness to change in spite of all the justification of your own heart to respond negatively.

prayer & reflection

You know the tense cycle that exists in my communication in this relationship. I know that it takes two to work this out yet I know I can only work on change in me. Help me to examine my heart and allow You to touch me and begin to heal me. Give me a new attitude and the power of Your Holy Spirit to respond differently. I need You Lord and I thank you for caring enough to help me.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-22-2014, 12:00 PM
Light On My Path Part 25 - Spiritually Alive

by Gail Rodgers
In these days of growing awareness in the spiritual and the supernatural, God gives us guidance as to what to watch for. He tells us how to grow in our spiritual life without confusion. 2 Peter 3:18 spells it out for us…

“Grow in the grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18
To grow in grace means to think and act with the force of God’s love behind all you do. It is having God’s influence upon your heart in such a way that it makes a difference in how you live. God’s acceptance of you can influence your heart and be reflected in your life as you walk in confidence knowing He has chosen you and forgiven you.
True spirituality moves you toward knowledge of Jesus as the Influencer of your heart. It goes beyond a mere knowledge of religious facts. It goes beyond the clutter of spiritual interest that has its focus outside of Jesus. It is allowing His influence on your heart to reflect change in the way you handle yourself. It is the power of His Spirit at work in you.
Growing… moving forward from one place to another as you reflect on Jesus and His influence in your life. Allow His truth to penetrate your heart and help you to turn from the choices that exclude Him and to accept His forgiveness.
Allow Jesus to influence your heart and your choices. Determine if any particular activity or information is increasing your knowledge of Jesus and causing you to grow in understanding how He can influence your heart and your life. Anything less is a cheap counterfeit of truth.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
There is so much out there today on spirituality. Please help me to grow in my knowledge of Jesus and His strength for my life. Help me to grow in allowing Your influence upon my heart in such a way that it changes how I live. Help me to be discerning and wise as I grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Savior.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-23-2014, 11:19 AM
Light On My Path Part 26 - What Time is it

by Gail Rodgers
When my brother visited from overseas this summer it took him a bit of time to adjust to the time change. He was tired and slightly disoriented until the change became the “new normal” for him.

It reminded me of the time changes that God records in the Bible. Time changes come and go in every life at one time or another and they are part of life. You will recognize many of them. You will have experienced some and there will be more for you to encounter as you journey through life. Listen:
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
Think about the season of life you find yourself in today. Are you resisting the time changes you are facing? Are you hanging on tightly to something that needs to change? Is it a time to throw away something and embrace something new? A time to build something new…..or pluck out something old?
This unusual book of Ecclesiastes highlights the fact that man’s efforts on this earth are meaningless apart from God.
Look at the changes facing you today and put them into perspective with God’s help. Ask Him to help you find His path as you journey through changes that bring joy and those that are hard. He is the one who can put meaning into life. He is the one who can redeem the broken places. He is the one who helps us face both the joy and challenge of new seasons that bring a “new normal” to our days. He will help you journey through your seasons with His grace.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
Thank you that You will help me face the changes in my life. Thank you that You will walk with me and guide me. Help me to find purpose and meaning as You lead me through both the good and the uncomfortable seasons of life.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-24-2014, 10:37 AM
Light On My Path Part 27 - Pursuing God

by Gail Rodgers
The demands of life can become front and center in our lives. It is easy to postpone quiet times with God.

Will Bruce, in Guidelines for Praying for Your Pastor states,
“life’s pressures will always result in spiritual decline unless one is careful to maintain a close walk with the Lord.”
We all experience that decline from time to time as pressures mount in our individual lives. It is because we know this happens that we strive to encourage and build each other up.
God makes a promise:
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)
What do you need to do today to actively choose your relationship with Jesus over the many important and busy tasks that call for your attention? He longs to bring that freshness to your soul! Make a choice to become active in pursuing God.

Actively choose to spend time in His presence
expose yourself to music that inspires
turn off the TV and read something that will feed your spirit
invite Him into every decision
ask Him which fruit of the Spirit He wants to cultivate in your life today
pray in a quiet place and not just on the run
listen for His voice
read his Word and to ask Him to teach you

He will be true to His promise! He will come near and refresh your soul.
prayer & reflection

Father God,
Thank you for each woman You have brought to this site today. Give each one a fresh desire to pursue You. Grant them insight, wisdom and revelation from Your word as they take the time to be refreshed in Your presence.
Bless them today in the powerful name of Jesus I pray, amen.

01-25-2014, 12:07 PM
Light On My Path Part 28 - Hope for the Harried

by Gail Rodgers
We talked over a pot of tea. Together we read these stark words from the Bible…

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down” (Proverbs 14:1)
The frenzied pace she kept was taking a toll on her home. Life just seemed to be fraying around the edges.
When we live at a pace that continually drains us we end up taking it out on those closest to us. Complaining, frustration and lack of patience can surface all too often. As women we can actually be tearing down relationships by our own hand and not even be aware we are doing so. A wise woman will take note of her reactions and make a choice to be a builder.
If your quiet time with God has slipped to the wayside of your life it won’t be long before you notice the tell-tale reactions of complaining, negativity and frustration in your life and relationships.
Ask God to come in a fresh way into your life to help you make time with Him a priority. Choose to make some changes in your schedule so God can make some changes in your heart. Invite His Holy Spirit to be the change agent in your life today. Ask for what the Bible calls the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22) It’s “The Great Exchange.” He will help you build your relationships. You can depend on God to be your source for all your needs.

Exchange your weakness for His strength.
Your unhappy heart for His joy.
Your annoyance with His love.
Your anxiety with His peace.
Your impatience for His patience.
Your complaining for His contentment.
Your harsh attitude for His gentleness.

prayer & reflection

Father in Heaven,
Today I ask that You would forgive me for foolishly reacting in ways that can tear my relationships down. Fill me afresh today with the fruit of Your Holy Spirit. May I be a wise woman filled with the wisdom and revelation that Your Spirit offers me.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

01-26-2014, 12:21 PM
Light On My Path Part 29 - Have you heard?

by Gail Rodgers
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40: 28-31
prayer & reflection

LORD, I thank You that You are my everlasting God. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You are changeless and I praise You.
Thank you that You are the Creator of all things to the very ends of the Earth. I trust in Your creative power to be at work in my life. Help me to expect it and to look for it.
Thank you that You never grow weary or tired. You are always there waiting for me to lean on You. I can’t even fathom Your great understanding. Increase my faith in the areas of my life where things don’t seem to make any sense to me.
You give me strength when I am weary. You increase my power when I am weak. I praise You for Your constant presence in my life. Thank you Lord!
Today I feel so weak in ___________. I look to You to strengthen me. Thank you that I can expect to receive power from Your Holy Spirit. I praise You for Your constant care.
Give me determination to connect with You in prayer and in reading Your Word. I praise You for the constant hope You give me.
Replace my weariness with Your amazing strength. Flow through me this day to influence the world around me with Your power. I praise You for Your constant love!
Lift me up above the shadows today OLord.
In the strong name of Jesus I pray, amen.

01-27-2014, 11:31 AM
Light On My Path Part 30 - Time to Move

by Gail Rodgers
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

Surely he will save you from (hidden snares) the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield and (your defensive fortification) rampart.” Psalm 91:1-4 NIV (italics mine)
prayer & reflection

Father God,
Thank you for the wonderful invitation to make Your presence my dwelling place. I often visit Your presence but I see today that You call me to live there.
Help me to recognize when I begin feeling too familiar in the dwelling places of self pity, discouragement and even self condemnation. Help me to pay attention to when my moods move me to places I do not wish to live.
Thank you that when I am aware of where I allow myself to live then I can make the choice to move. Your presence is so inviting. Sheltered and resting in Your shadow is where I want to be.
Moving to Your presence means choosing to open the door of where I am now and inviting You in.
Today I take the key You offer me… the key to Your presence is the declaration of where I will put my focus today… “And I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust”.
You are my stability and my anchor. You are my refuge and my safe place. Your faithfulness is the shield that I need around me today.
Yes Lord, I choose today to declare my trust in You. I choose today to acknowledge where I have been living. By Your grace and with Your help I will move today. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and may I sense the shift within my spirit as I lean into Your amazing place of safety and refuge. Guide my thoughts and my steps this day.
In the powerful name of Jesus I pray with thanksgiving in my heart, amen.