View Full Version : As we become peaceful, peace fills the world.

12-26-2013, 01:31 PM
World Peace
As we become peaceful, peace fills the world.

The peace of God permeates my thoughts and restores me to harmony. Peace quiets every upset, confusion, or disagreement. Peaceful thoughts have the power to harmonize and create cooperation and understanding.

Stillness of mind is the foundation for harmonious conditions in my body. Every cell and nerve responds to calming thoughts.

As the peace of God is established in my mind, body, and affairs, peace pervades my world. Once peace is established in me, I help raise a consciousness of peace throughout the world.

Today I bring peace into all I think, say, and do, fostering harmony with all.
The effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.—Isaiah 32:17

Daily Word

12-27-2013, 09:17 AM
Always thought, if everyone just made their space the best that it could be, what I wonderful world this would be.

Finding peace within amongst the chaos of living is a God given gift and one I never found until I came into recovery.
