View Full Version : Please pray for my daughter

06-23-2020, 08:43 PM
She is pregnant and had some bleeding. We took her to the hospital and she is there now. The baby's father is with her. Only one person can be with her during the duration she is in the hospital. She is dued at the end of July. Please pray for her.

06-24-2020, 10:18 AM
She wrote me last night to say she has bruising of the placenta. She has not had anymore bleeding since yesterday. She wrote me this morning and said that her blood pressure was a little high yesterday, she said but with all things to be considered, that makes sense. She said with the vitals they checked for her during the night, it seems like her blood pressure has returned back to a normal range. As long as everything's good she should be able to head home tomorrow at some point, we'll just see how tonight goes. She said she just had her vitals checked out. So far so good. Please continue prayer for her.

06-25-2020, 09:43 AM
Update on my youngest daughter: The doctors are planning on releasing her today at some point. She is going to have them screen her for strep throat while she is there because it is going around and she may have come in contact with some people who had it.

They're going to change her pregnancy to high-risk because she has had high blood pressure while at the hospital, plus the placenta abruption that happened, and she said she does have potential for high blood pressure though it's normal now and that could lead to another complication if it's not monitored. I happen to have a thing here to check your blood pressure with so she has that to keep check on her blood pressure.

Because she is high risk now they typically like for the ladies to give birth around 37 weeks instead of holding the baby to full term, and she said that she kept saying that she had a feeling she was going to be giving birth to her son mid-july. So by then, if she doesn't start going into labor, she will be induced.

When she gets discharged, she will be continuing her care through the rest of her pregnancy through the hospital she is at now due to being high risk, so they'll set up her treatment plan today. She will now be going twice a week to see her doctor until delivery in mid July if things remain ok. Please continue prayer.

06-25-2020, 10:54 AM
My hubby will be leaving soon to go pick her up. :1:

06-28-2020, 08:21 AM
We had to take our daughter to the hospital this morning at about 2:30am. She is still there now. Her boyfriend is with her now. She may possibly have the baby today. I'll keep you posted. Please pray.

06-29-2020, 10:25 AM
Say hello to my grandson Henry. He was born earlier this morning. :)


09-30-2020, 10:01 AM
I have no authorization to see the link but still, hi Henry!