12-25-2013, 11:44 AM
Meeting makers make it
We learn the program wont work if we adapt the program to our lives we must adapt our lives to the program
One disease,one sponsor,one program,one fellowship
More will be revealed
When in doubt take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth
Nothing changes if nothing changes
Things that aren’t of a spiritual nature wont fly
Just for today
Meeting makers make it
We learn the program wont work if we adapt the program to our lives we must adapt our lives to the program
One disease,one sponsor,one program,one fellowship
More will be revealed
When in doubt take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth
Nothing changes if nothing changes
Things that aren’t of a spiritual nature wont fly
Just for today
Turn it over
You are a member when you say you are so act like it
What I cant do alone we can do together
Never alone never again
Im still lost but at least I can see where Im going
Anxiety is the price we pay for playing God
If you don’t find recovery at a meeting chances are you didn’t bring it with you
If you do what you always did you will get what you always got
Im allergic to drugs every time I use them I break out in a pair of handcuffs
Feelings aint facts
My responsibility is my ability to respond to what God puts into my life
First things first
Let go let God
What you put into a situation is exactly what you will get out of a situation
If Im not the problem there is no solution
HALTS-Hungry Angry Lonely Tired or Serious
Feelings are like clouds if we refuse to cling onto them
Live in the here and now separate from the problem
Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy
Call your sponsor not your connection it is cheaper
Happiness comes from the inside not the outside
A day at a time a minute at a time or a second at a time
If you are going to pray don’t worry if your going to worry don’t pray
EGO stands for easing God out
Stay away from people,places,things and situations that may lead you to using
My spirituality shows in my attitude …always
Write about your feelings don’t act on them
Ink pens can be unmanageability removers if you write everyday
Speak in a way that reflects the NA way of life
Principles before personalities
Live and let live don’t complicate
If you were that newcomer that got that first hug be there to give that hug to a new comer its your responsibility
Reality is a power greater than ourselves
Show an attitude of gratitude
Share your experience,strength and hope
Love and fear are opposites which is your higher power?
What comes around goes around
An expectation is a premeditated resentment
When you stop treating youself like an ass,those around you will stop
Faith cant be taught…it can only be caught
Procrastination is fear in five syllables
Move your feet first…the feelings will follow
Don’t worry about tomorrow…God is already there
If God brings you to it…he will bring you thru it
Im a very persuasive person,I can persuade myself of anything
Keep your hands in your pants and give the newcomer a chance.
Suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.
The fear of feeling the pain is worse than the pain itself.
Depression is anger turned inward
Before engaging your mouth…make sure your mind is in gear
Are you around recovery or in recovery
Fear =frustration, ego anxiety and resentment
N.U.T.S…not using the steps
Theres still a monkey on my back…Lack of stepwork wakes him up.
Id rather be a resentment than to have one.
If we don’t change…our clean date will.
No one can piss you off without your permission.
To get out of a problem we must spiritually grow thru it
The choices you make today will directly affect tomorrow.
Faith is fear turned inside out.
God is in control…your projector is broken.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
Don’t let anyone walk in your head wearing dirty shoes.
If you fail to plan…then you plan to fail.
Fake it till you make it.
Act as if…
Switching from obsession to compulsion is like changing seats on the Titantic.
You don’t have a problem…you just haven’t found a solution you like…
Are you pole vaulting over mouse turds…
Until the pain becomes extreme…change wont happen…
Resentments are like pissing your pants…they affect us more than others…
Don’t tease your disease with people places things and situations.
N.A. has a chair with your asses name on it…
You spot got it…
Anger is fear in a party dress.
If you are eating a nuts sandwich…chances are you ordered it.
If nothing changes…then nothing changes…
Its not happening to you …its happening for you.
Some of these I have never heard before but they do give me food for thought.
We learn the program wont work if we adapt the program to our lives we must adapt our lives to the program
One disease,one sponsor,one program,one fellowship
More will be revealed
When in doubt take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth
Nothing changes if nothing changes
Things that aren’t of a spiritual nature wont fly
Just for today
Meeting makers make it
We learn the program wont work if we adapt the program to our lives we must adapt our lives to the program
One disease,one sponsor,one program,one fellowship
More will be revealed
When in doubt take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth
Nothing changes if nothing changes
Things that aren’t of a spiritual nature wont fly
Just for today
Turn it over
You are a member when you say you are so act like it
What I cant do alone we can do together
Never alone never again
Im still lost but at least I can see where Im going
Anxiety is the price we pay for playing God
If you don’t find recovery at a meeting chances are you didn’t bring it with you
If you do what you always did you will get what you always got
Im allergic to drugs every time I use them I break out in a pair of handcuffs
Feelings aint facts
My responsibility is my ability to respond to what God puts into my life
First things first
Let go let God
What you put into a situation is exactly what you will get out of a situation
If Im not the problem there is no solution
HALTS-Hungry Angry Lonely Tired or Serious
Feelings are like clouds if we refuse to cling onto them
Live in the here and now separate from the problem
Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy
Call your sponsor not your connection it is cheaper
Happiness comes from the inside not the outside
A day at a time a minute at a time or a second at a time
If you are going to pray don’t worry if your going to worry don’t pray
EGO stands for easing God out
Stay away from people,places,things and situations that may lead you to using
My spirituality shows in my attitude …always
Write about your feelings don’t act on them
Ink pens can be unmanageability removers if you write everyday
Speak in a way that reflects the NA way of life
Principles before personalities
Live and let live don’t complicate
If you were that newcomer that got that first hug be there to give that hug to a new comer its your responsibility
Reality is a power greater than ourselves
Show an attitude of gratitude
Share your experience,strength and hope
Love and fear are opposites which is your higher power?
What comes around goes around
An expectation is a premeditated resentment
When you stop treating youself like an ass,those around you will stop
Faith cant be taught…it can only be caught
Procrastination is fear in five syllables
Move your feet first…the feelings will follow
Don’t worry about tomorrow…God is already there
If God brings you to it…he will bring you thru it
Im a very persuasive person,I can persuade myself of anything
Keep your hands in your pants and give the newcomer a chance.
Suicide is a temporary solution to a permanent problem.
The fear of feeling the pain is worse than the pain itself.
Depression is anger turned inward
Before engaging your mouth…make sure your mind is in gear
Are you around recovery or in recovery
Fear =frustration, ego anxiety and resentment
N.U.T.S…not using the steps
Theres still a monkey on my back…Lack of stepwork wakes him up.
Id rather be a resentment than to have one.
If we don’t change…our clean date will.
No one can piss you off without your permission.
To get out of a problem we must spiritually grow thru it
The choices you make today will directly affect tomorrow.
Faith is fear turned inside out.
God is in control…your projector is broken.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
Don’t let anyone walk in your head wearing dirty shoes.
If you fail to plan…then you plan to fail.
Fake it till you make it.
Act as if…
Switching from obsession to compulsion is like changing seats on the Titantic.
You don’t have a problem…you just haven’t found a solution you like…
Are you pole vaulting over mouse turds…
Until the pain becomes extreme…change wont happen…
Resentments are like pissing your pants…they affect us more than others…
Don’t tease your disease with people places things and situations.
N.A. has a chair with your asses name on it…
You spot got it…
Anger is fear in a party dress.
If you are eating a nuts sandwich…chances are you ordered it.
If nothing changes…then nothing changes…
Its not happening to you …its happening for you.
Some of these I have never heard before but they do give me food for thought.