06-16-2020, 07:36 AM
Let Your Light Shine
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Light is to be used. It is used to dispel the darkness, to light the way, to bring clearer vision. Jesus Christ has done that for us and in return he indwells us and His light shines through us. Now we, too, can shine forth the light of Christ before men and in turn bring glory to God in heaven! Let us not take this light for granted and hide it away, using it only for ourselves. Let us share Him with all those around us. Let others see Jesus Christ shining forth from you in all you do, no matter how trivial. May we never cease to do good to all who come into our paths, reaching out to blind, as Jesus did. He brought light to a hurting world and we in turn can do the same. Make it your determination to reflect Christ every hour of every day, and so praise your Father in heaven. We are the only light that this dark world may ever see, let us shine brightly for Jesus Christ.
Father, may we bring you glory through our lives. Help us to shine for you! Let others see Christ reflected in our lives. Let us be light to this dark and hurting world. Make us shine, LORD, and may all the glory and praise rise to you! Amen.
Quiet Waters
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Light is to be used. It is used to dispel the darkness, to light the way, to bring clearer vision. Jesus Christ has done that for us and in return he indwells us and His light shines through us. Now we, too, can shine forth the light of Christ before men and in turn bring glory to God in heaven! Let us not take this light for granted and hide it away, using it only for ourselves. Let us share Him with all those around us. Let others see Jesus Christ shining forth from you in all you do, no matter how trivial. May we never cease to do good to all who come into our paths, reaching out to blind, as Jesus did. He brought light to a hurting world and we in turn can do the same. Make it your determination to reflect Christ every hour of every day, and so praise your Father in heaven. We are the only light that this dark world may ever see, let us shine brightly for Jesus Christ.
Father, may we bring you glory through our lives. Help us to shine for you! Let others see Christ reflected in our lives. Let us be light to this dark and hurting world. Make us shine, LORD, and may all the glory and praise rise to you! Amen.
Quiet Waters