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12-21-2013, 01:21 PM
Every day in every way my awareness of God increases!

In winter, an abundance of potential lies beneath the ground. If I were to unearth the seeds and bulbs that have been planted, I would sabotage the emergence of grass and flowers in the spring. So I wait and allow them to be nourished by an unseen source of abundance.

Similarly, I have within me untapped potential. As I patiently nourish it with prayer and preparation, faith and commitment, new growth will emerge in ways I never imagined.

Regardless of my age, I can always grow in maturity and understanding to live my life more fully. As my awareness of God expands, so do the inner qualities of Spirit that enhance my every experience.
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.—1 Corinthians 3:6

Daily Word

12-22-2013, 11:32 AM
When I first came into recovery, I heard the word God but realized I didn't have a clue about spirituality. I wasn't exactly on speaking terms with God, so I had to make Him personal. I used the Bible for meditation and Good Orderly Direction, but I had a narrow mind, and would only use Acts to Revelation, what I called the new teachings and the Psalms and Proverbs.

For me, the first four books were old news, I had lived with that knowledge all of my life, so I had to find new direction. I found that in AA, NA, and Al-Anon, although I went back to church, I left because it didn't meet all of my needs. I am an alcoholic, addict, codependent, and an adult child of an alcoholic. There were many people in the church who needed a program too.

I had to grow in awareness and keep an open line and mind, to keep that connection and prayed for awareness each day.