View Full Version : The light of God surrounds me, and I am whole

12-19-2013, 11:17 AM
The light of God surrounds me, and I am whole.

The “Prayer for Protection” opens with: “The light of God surrounds me.” When I am seeking healing, I consider the power of this affirmation.

The light of God not only surrounds me, it infuses my very being. It helps me see beyond appearances and remember my innate wholeness, even in the face of disease or discomfort.

The light of God radiates through my mind and body. It energizes and illuminates my wholeness. I am created of God. My body mends and my mind rejuvenates because this is my essential nature.

Life comes with gifts and challenges. In and through it all, the light of God surrounds me, and I am whole.
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly.–Isaiah 58:8

Daily Word

12-19-2013, 09:22 PM
Really like this, always pray for the Healing Light surround me and the energies around me, so that all will be one. The White Light of Love and the Spirit of Healing that comes as a result of God's Grace. When I use to hold healing and prayer sessions, I use to say, this is a contract between your God and my God as to how much you receive and how you receive it.

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