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Something about two months ago I found out that my son is a drug addict (tramadol, ketamine). I felt horror, despair, and panic – all in one time! Though now I can’t say that we didn’t guess about him judging from his behavior, I think I didn’t want to believe it. His friend came and told me my son used drugs together with him. I asked why he told me this. He said he got help and now feels he also has to help somebody. He told us about a center where he got help, but I had doubts. It was in another country. But after doing some research on web, I understood that this is the only one I could believe to help my son and my family. So we spend some weeks gathering money and went there. I was surprised that I had to follow him and stay with him during the entire course. Doctors there say that addiction is a family disease, not just of a person who abuses. I started the treatment together with my son from the first hour we arrived to the clinic!!! And in 3 days I saw the first result. He started kissing me in the cheek and saying goodnight! I almost forgot how it feels to be a mother of a loving son. It is a miracle! We are on our treatment now, and I have only good things to say. These people are teaching us to live again and to find other pleasures in life except drugs!
Thank You Jane...It truly is wonderful to come out of that dark tunnel of DENIAL, darkness and despair and see there is a solution and hope.
Peace and blessings to you & yours today
12-18-2013, 12:46 AM
Thank you for sharing. My son was suppose to attend meetings when I went into recovery, but he refused. He was already on his path of addiction. I have been going to Al-Anon off and on for 22 years, with the last 12 years focused on Al-Anon. As you say, it is a family disease. My father and mother died from their disease, and I have two ex-husbands who have the symptoms to qualify for the program, but they didn't have the willingness to change.
Perhaps there are some posts in the Family and Friends section that you will be able to identify with. I found that pills were dried up alcohol to me, and it didn't matter what substance I picked up, it lead to the same soul sickness. For me, the 12 Steps were applicable to all areas of my life, including my dysfunctional relationships.
This is a quote I posted on another site:
Denial is a blanket we often wear when we don't want to face something and/or we don't feel we are ready to handle it. We forget that through our Higher Power, all things are possible. I found if kept coming back until I was ready, and the longer I waited, the sicker I got, and instead of a challenge I need to over come, it became a problem I stayed stuck in.
My prayers are with you both. I quit smoking 3 days before Christmas, so I know it is rough going through the holiday without using. I figured if I could get through that, I would never have a reason to pick up, maybe some excuses, but one day at a time, with prayer and gratitude, the program worked for me. My son is still using, he has been in treatment 5 times, and yet he refuses to go to meeting. All I can do is pray and "Live and Let Live."
Thank you all!
We are in the center now. First week was great, my son got lots of procedure which where related to body recovery and mental illness: massage, psychologist, cryosauna, acupuncture, holotropic breathing, yoga , laser therapy... and so on. Some of procedures are avalable for me too! ( my shape is getting better! lol). Doctor said that after 2 days my son will be on the hypnosis group session. During last week I heard about group sessions with other patients. "We screamed and cried, but after these sessions We were free from the memories of drugs. I'm not a slave anymore! I'm free!".
I pray to God, I hope, I belive that my baby will be healed.
MajestyJo, I'm sorry to hear that. I know how it is important to have a support in this fight. I'll pray to God, and I hope your son will find a stamina and everything will be great for you and your family.
God Bless.
12-19-2013, 06:00 AM
Thank you, it took a lot of acceptance, compassion, love and understanding of his disease. I had trouble with the fact that he had gone to treatment and yet had gone back out to continue to use. It was about acknowledging the disease and looking behind it to get to my son.
Continued prayers for both you and your son Jane
"all we really have is a daily reprieve based on our spiritual condition"
Hi everyone. We are at home. My son is sober. I'm so full of love and happyness! Now he backs to life.
I'm so thankfull to doctors and their staff. They were so attentive and carefull with us.
Thank you God.
01-10-2014, 08:00 AM
So glad all is well with you. Good to have you back. f3XcxoR9bG9uQ70EnV8
01-10-2014, 08:12 AM
I am so happy he has completed treatment. I hope he will continue to be vigilant against the drugs with some meetings or some type of support. Pray for him as much as you can. Slips sometimes come with the territory--I HOPE and PRAY that he won't--but just know they can be recovered from. Lifting you and he in prayer. Jesus is our Great Healer!
01-11-2014, 07:57 AM
That is great news. Thanks for sharing it with us. :1:
01-11-2014, 04:28 PM
Glad he is doing well. The program works when you work it, so I hope he continues doing the do things. It takes willingness, so I will pray that he gets the willingness to be willing to do what ever he needs to do to stay clean and sober.
A young guy came in at 19 and he has the same length of time I have. We shared the same sponsor, until I found a woman to sponsor me. 3DkE8HTdMfkTiMt5emwhQ
Hi everyone)
Thank you for your sweet words. We are fine. Could you please tell me, if it's normal that I want to thank our doctor every day?)))
Our kid is talking to us, shares how was his day, shares his mood, his thoughts. He starts to feel something.
Thank you all.
01-21-2014, 06:53 AM
Thanks for sharing. For me a thought is a prayer and sounds like your doctor deserves a lot of prayers of gratitude.
So happy for your, for ever word out of his mouth is worth thoughts of gratitude. GWeEzTqw3n8-AwXWgmC3Q
01-21-2014, 09:00 AM
I think it is wonderful that you are so grateful. Send your doctor a thank you note or a thank you basket of goodies. I'm sure they don't get thanked often and I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
So happy things are still going well. Prayers that your son continues on the right path! Hugs and blessings! :D
02-23-2014, 08:21 PM
This story brought tears to my eyes... I remember how good my life was when I was in recovery. I am trying once again to kick the drug habit (opiates) - Day 4 and I feel grateful for having come this far already. I am so hopeful for the future. I am going to stay strong, focused and connected. I know I have a hard road ahead of me but I've got lots of support.
I pray for you and your sons and wish you all the best in your recovery.
02-24-2014, 01:37 AM
Have a son of my own, who has his own addiction. I had to get clean and sober for me. Even though I have been in recovery for several 24 hours, he chooses to use, even though he has been in treatment 5 times.
I still work the program, one day at a time. The 12 Steps are a way of life. They are applicable to all areas of my life.
Thank you! You won't belive, I'm sending e-mails to him) Every month! Share with doctors how our things are going and tons of"thank you" words). Vasilenko Vitaliy Ivanovich, you are an incredible person!
MajestyJo, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you and your son will win this battle of your lifes. I'll pray for you and your loved son that it will be the last time when he gets such kind of treatment.
Maybe you should try another kind of treatment?
Thank you for your words. And Thank you for your story. Stay strong! Remember, everyone who knows you, and even who doesn't ( me, for example))) belive in you. It is such a beautiful time to enjoy your life! Spring is a new time for the new life. Even here, on this greate forum, you will get tons of support and understanding. And every story is a unique expirience of life.
What about my son?))
As I said before, spring is the time for the new life. It is true: he has a gf) ( I'm typing this and feel like this :172:))) bicycle is a great therapy! 2 weeks ago we had had a great trip to our park. Had a nice time. I will remember it for the rest of my life. Activity is a best therapy after recovery centers )
I want to say, that everything is possible, even here in Ukraine. All what you need to do it is belive in yourself. Magic is on your way, just shake your hands with it!
04-02-2014, 08:51 AM
First, I want to say, "Praise God!," for your son being clean and sober! Amen!
I am so happy you are happy. I'm glad that you also have a good relationship with his doctor. My friend when I still lived in California had a lot of medical issues, and she would bring cards and little gifts to her doctors and would witness to them if they did not know Jesus. She was one of those evangelists that never let an opportunity be missed!
BUT NOW, you are in UKRAINE! Oh my, will pray that you are safe and will pray for peace.
Thanks so much for checking in. It is great to hear the praises! :D
04-02-2014, 08:53 PM
Thank you for sharing and giving us an update. My aunt went to Leningrad several years ago and went to the great wall of China. She never married, saved her money and travelled all over the world.
It was something I always wanted to do, yet my addiction stood between me and my wants. In today, thanks to the internet, I can get a view of this big world and I don't have to remain ignorant. I know that my God looks after me, here in Ontario Canada, and I know that anywhere I go, He is with me.
Continued prayers and blessings to you and yours.
Thank you! I know you are afraid of news in Ukraine, but it is not a full true. Zaporozhye is safe (for this moment). I don't feel any separatists mood here.
It is so popular here :" Stay calm and Love Ukraine" ))) SO I'm doing IT!
I'm staying calm and love my country, but Now I'm concentrated on my family, my lovely seems like he got second birth. I'm watching how he is acting ( like I watched his first steps), how he is smiling, talking to me. I'm happy right here and right now.
Jo, it is a great motivation! I hope some day your dreams come true. I DO belive in you!
Kisses and hugs.
04-11-2014, 07:33 PM
Are you having spring in the Ukraine. I love how the internet makes the world a small place, and my God's Love reaches around the World.
Glad that the program is available around the world. I was told, if there is no meeting near, start one. It will keep you sober. When we takes the Steps, we can overcome issues, and walk in the fellowship of the spirit.
The program did not work for my son, because he was not willing to work for it. He went into detox and recovery home many times and is talking about going again. I can not do it for him and he has to want to want recovery. All I can do is pray.
04-16-2014, 06:37 AM
Thank you for your wonderful story Jane. Good to know that one soul had been back to the great world. Happy to know that he gets lots of family love, it is really nice to hear that some one become stronger and found peace in his thoughts.
Keep posting and thanks alot again.
04-16-2014, 06:44 AM
MajestyJo, I understand you. It is necessary for your son to have sincere desire to be healed. If he doesn't want, all what you would do will be in vain.
I'm sorry for your son, I hope he will find the right way of his life.
04-17-2014, 06:25 AM
Thank you both for sharing. My son has been talking detox for several days. He went out and used yesterday and the day before, he just had to have something to detox from.
Please keep him in your prayers. Me too, it is difficult watching him go through this.
04-22-2014, 08:27 AM
Jo, I'm praying for your son. I do belive in your son. Hugs for you.
Oh, Jo, I'm so sorry for your son. Of course I will pray for him to God and beg him to help you. You are such a brave woman. God bless you and your son.
04-25-2014, 04:02 AM
He went back to the hospital and they gave him morphine for his pain. That is so scary to me. The other day he said to me, "Kill me make it all go away." He knew I would do no such thing, but a lot of his pain he blames on me, and if it doesn't get better it is all my fault.
Thanks for caring.
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