12-16-2013, 10:46 AM
Don’t Get Burned Out
And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]. —Ephesians 4:23
Expect God to show you something new today. Some people resist change, but God created us to need variety in our life. If we do the same thing over and over, we get burned out on it. God will keep our lives exciting if we seek Him every day.
Look for new ways of doing things. If you have been working on the same job for thirty years, driving to it the same way, at least find a new route you can take once in a while to get there. Do something to invite newness into your life so you can discover God’s many ways of revealing Himself to you.
From the book Starting Your Day Right
And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]. —Ephesians 4:23
Expect God to show you something new today. Some people resist change, but God created us to need variety in our life. If we do the same thing over and over, we get burned out on it. God will keep our lives exciting if we seek Him every day.
Look for new ways of doing things. If you have been working on the same job for thirty years, driving to it the same way, at least find a new route you can take once in a while to get there. Do something to invite newness into your life so you can discover God’s many ways of revealing Himself to you.
From the book Starting Your Day Right