View Full Version : Release and let go of the past

02-26-2020, 06:27 AM

As I release what I don’t need, new power is unleashed in me.

I experience great power and freedom when I release what no longer serves my best interest. I must let go in order to move forward. To keep reliving old and burdensome events is to dwell in hopelessness.

Instead, I make a different choice. I release and let go of the past, relieving myself of unhappy, oppressive thoughts. The light of the Christ expresses in me and through me as wholeness and peace.

Casting aside what was weighing me down, I am free to do what I am called to do. I am refreshed and rejuvenated. I am flexible and forward-thinking. A new awareness has dawned as to who I am and why I’m here. As I release what I don’t need, new power is unleashed in me.
But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins.—Luke 5:38

Daily Word