View Full Version : AA as an atheist

02-08-2020, 03:00 PM

I am wondering if AA can work for me if I am an atheist and if people in the group will probably judge me if I go there.

I am not the type to lecture or be intolerant of differences and I would not like it if people started lecturing me about gods.

Anyone else here secular or spiritual but not religious?

Thanks for reading my post! :):42:


04-01-2020, 04:08 AM
Dear Phoenix,. T hanks for sharing. Have found that the 12 Steps work for everyone. It is the God of your understanding. If your understanding is that there is no God or your God is a different concept from others, the 12 Steps work.

As my friend use to say, God should not have been mentioned in the first 3 Steps. You find your understanding of YOUR God by working and applying the Steps .

Step One, I came to the fellowship of recovery (Fellowship you identify the most with).
Step Two, came to. Came to realize I had a problem and my way doesn't work. My best thinking got me to the doors of recovery.
Step Three, came to believe that the program would work for me. I came and saw people doing what I had been trying to do for 8 years.

The program is Steps 4-9, and in order to maintain my recovery, I needed to work Steps 10-12.

Good luck on your journey

04-12-2020, 09:52 AM
Phoenix, my friend and companion. I agree with the post above most entirely.

But I tend to think the word 'atheist' allows 'theists' to define my agenda for me and maybe I shouldn't allow that.

No one in a meeting has judged me or put me down for my beliefs or the fact that when I came to the rooms I was probably more an addict than an alcoholic. I sure DO have a desire to keep from drinking and using. All of the steps have been the only answer that has worked for me.

By changing my behavior through the steps my thinking has changed. There's happiness and sadness. We have a lot of challenges at the moment but we can face up to them. Be brave, stay home, be careful, best of luck to you and yours!


“I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.”
--- William Penn

04-16-2020, 07:09 PM
Phoenix: I knew a guy who had a rose for his Higher Power, a man who had his cat for a sponsor. G.O.D. stands for Group of drunks. The book has a chapter for Atheists. Whenever we say God it is followed by God, "As I understand God" This is not and can never be a religious group this AA thing. Religion is the rules they have like wearing a Yamaka cap for the Jewish men, or no meat on Good Friday for Catholics. No rules in AA except if you've had a drink or drug that day please just listen in the mtgs and afterwards a member will talk with you if you want. Before I got here I thought Jose Cuervo was my god. No I know different! This AA thing has no leaders, no president, only trusted servants. Suggestions rather then rules, take what ya like, leave the rest. The most important person in the room is the newcomer, not the guy with the most expensive car, or longest time in recovery. It's an odd place for us odd ducks, it's plum backwards and it works. No religion, no politics, no color, no amount of money matters. Met an 11 yr old girl in AA, 97 yr old man. I joined knowing I'd never belong and I'd never stay sober. I thought I'll do every single thing they say to do and come every day n I'll show them this does not work. That was August 10th.....1987. Hope you decide to try this.

05-03-2020, 04:45 AM
My first sponsor had 11 years when I met her and her HP was a lepreukon on her shoulder. My service sponsor when I had 5 years said, "I don't care what your Higher Power is as long as it isn't you.."