01-26-2020, 09:11 AM
Let Go, Let God
I let God be God in me.
Meister Eckhart, 14th-century German mystic, taught, “All that God asks you most pressingly is to go out of yourself—and let God be God in you.” Reflecting on Eckhart’s words, I remember that whatever I’m doing, I need never feel frustrated by the limits of human wisdom and understanding.
Letting go and letting God reminds me that God’s presence is with me throughout every experience of my life. God’s love, life, wisdom, understanding, and strength are mine. Even my inner power of release works through me whenever I call upon it. My human self, together with the indwelling presence of God, the Christ in me, brings good into my life.
The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.—John 14:10
Daily Word
I let God be God in me.
Meister Eckhart, 14th-century German mystic, taught, “All that God asks you most pressingly is to go out of yourself—and let God be God in you.” Reflecting on Eckhart’s words, I remember that whatever I’m doing, I need never feel frustrated by the limits of human wisdom and understanding.
Letting go and letting God reminds me that God’s presence is with me throughout every experience of my life. God’s love, life, wisdom, understanding, and strength are mine. Even my inner power of release works through me whenever I call upon it. My human self, together with the indwelling presence of God, the Christ in me, brings good into my life.
The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.—John 14:10
Daily Word