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12-12-2013, 12:12 PM
He Doesn’t Remember
by Max Lucado

I was thanking the Father for His mercy. I began listing the sins He’d forgiven. “Remember the time I. . .” I was about to thank Him for another act of mercy. But then I stopped. Something was wrong. The word “remember” seemed displaced, off-key. It was like a baseball game in December… It didn’t fit. Does He remember?

Then I remembered His words in Isaiah 43:25, “I am He who blots out your transgressions, and I will not remember your sins.” Wow! That’s a remarkable promise. God doesn’t just forgive, he forgets. He destroys the evidence. He clears the hard drive. He doesn’t remember my mistakes.

He doesn’t remember! For all the things He does do, this is the one thing He refuses to do!

From God Came Near

12-12-2013, 12:37 PM
What an awesome promise!!!! :29:

12-12-2013, 05:21 PM
We had a member who became a priest in recovery. He said that your fourth Step didn't have to list all you did wrong, it boiled down to the fact that you were a liar, thief, cheat, etc. It isn't about how many times you lied, stole, or cheated, it was just about recognizing the defect of character, and what you needed to change.

Many people think they have done the step, don't have to continue doing it, yet they continue to do the same things, over and over again, which means they need to go back to Step Two, perhaps even Step One, and try again. For me it is a daily thing, I can't, my God can, and just for today, I choose to let Him.

He has forgiven and forgotten my sin, but if I make the same one in today, I have to go to him and ask for forgiveness in today. I am aware of that love, and try not to act out in my disease, in today I know He is with me and all I can do is be the best me I can be in today. He knows I am human and I had to forgive my own humanness.