12-10-2013, 01:59 AM
God Is a Verb
We cannot contain our Higher Power at a fixed point or in a closed system. However we may understand God, our understanding is always limited. The Power that rescues us from compulsive overeating is an active force, which constantly beckons us to move on. What we were to do yesterday is past; a new day brings new challenges and opportunities.
Our compulsion had us trapped in a pattern of self-destructive repetition. We did the same dumb thing over and over again. When we turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understand Him, we are linking up with the source of newness and creativity. God moves, and if we are linked with Him, we also move. His spirit changes us, and what we thought and did yesterday is not adequate to the demands of today.
Trusting our Higher Power means acting according to His promptings. We follow Him as He leads us into new tasks and activities and ideas. We learn from experience that He is always more than adequate for our needs.
May I follow where You lead.
- Food For Thought
Really liked this. The title is what drew me to it. No matter what my addiction, fear, phobia, cravings, or obsession, God works when I turn things over to Him/Her.
I say Her and think Her sometimes when I need tender loving care, comfort and reassurance, I think of warm cuddles. Didn't always get that from a man without motives and intent.
Live is about following the Good Orderly Direction I needed to stay clean and sober in today and look for the Divine Orderly Good in my life, and look at what I have, not focusing on what I don't have.
We cannot contain our Higher Power at a fixed point or in a closed system. However we may understand God, our understanding is always limited. The Power that rescues us from compulsive overeating is an active force, which constantly beckons us to move on. What we were to do yesterday is past; a new day brings new challenges and opportunities.
Our compulsion had us trapped in a pattern of self-destructive repetition. We did the same dumb thing over and over again. When we turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understand Him, we are linking up with the source of newness and creativity. God moves, and if we are linked with Him, we also move. His spirit changes us, and what we thought and did yesterday is not adequate to the demands of today.
Trusting our Higher Power means acting according to His promptings. We follow Him as He leads us into new tasks and activities and ideas. We learn from experience that He is always more than adequate for our needs.
May I follow where You lead.
- Food For Thought
Really liked this. The title is what drew me to it. No matter what my addiction, fear, phobia, cravings, or obsession, God works when I turn things over to Him/Her.
I say Her and think Her sometimes when I need tender loving care, comfort and reassurance, I think of warm cuddles. Didn't always get that from a man without motives and intent.
Live is about following the Good Orderly Direction I needed to stay clean and sober in today and look for the Divine Orderly Good in my life, and look at what I have, not focusing on what I don't have.