View Full Version : Christmas time is near

12-23-2019, 06:54 AM
Christmas time is near
A time that fills some with drear
But when we take a moment to pause
We realize Christmas is about more than just Santa Claus

It is about remembering the birth of a baby -
A very special baby
God's only son -
His name is Jesus

God sent this very special gift to us
So that we may know and share the gifts of Him and Jesus
These gifts are known as the Fruit of the Spirit
Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
Against such things there is no law. *

Through God giving of His only son
In turn Jesus gave His life for us
We shall receive the greatest gift of all
The gift of Eternal Life.

So when you are feeling full of drear and fear
Take a moment and pause
Give praise and thanks to God and Jesus
For loving us so very much
And giving us Eternal Life.
© Tammy B. 12/18/2002
*Galatians 5:22-23