View Full Version : I SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU

12-09-2013, 01:36 AM

I said a prayer for you today,
And know God must have heard.
I felt the answer in my heart,
Although He spoke no word...
I didn't ask for wealth of fame,
I knew you wouldn't mind.
I asked Him to send treasures
Of a more lasting kind.
I asked that He'd be near you,
At the start of each new day.
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way.
I asked for happiness for you
In all things great and small
But it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all!

unknown to me


01-14-2014, 03:37 AM
Found this on another site. It was titled an AA prayer, yet it isn`t in the Big Book or the AA 12 & 12. It doesn`t read according to the AA Preamble.


Almighty God, I humbly pray,
Lead me and guide me through this day.
Cast out my selfishness and sin,
Open my heart to let You in.
Help me now as I blindly stray,
Over the pitfalls along the way.
Let me have courage to face each task,
Invest me with patience and love, I ask.
Care for me through each hour today,
Strengthen and guard me now, I pray.

As I forgive, forgive me too,
Needing Your mercy as I do.
Oh, give me Your loving care,
Never abandon me to despair.
Yesterday’s wrongs I would seek to right.
Make me more perfect in Your sight.
Oh, teach me to live as best I can,
Use me to help my fellowman.
Save me from acts of bitter shame,
I humbly ask it in Your name.