View Full Version : Forgive

11-19-2019, 09:38 AM

I forgive as I open to the love of God in me.

Words or actions from others can hurt so much that I feel justified in holding a grudge. Yet, after careful consideration and reflection, I know I am only hurting myself by withholding forgiveness.

God and I work together to create my peace, and I begin that process by releasing expectations about the behavior of others. I follow the example of Jesus who said to forgive 77 times—in other words, without end.

I remind myself that all human beings make mistakes. It is easier to move forward in love and respect when I remember that in Truth we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We are all expressions of God. Knowing this, I forgive as I open to the love of God in me.

In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.–Matthew 7:12

Daily Word